University-Level Policies

For university-level policies, download the Sample Policy Format Template and review the Policy on Policies for information on how to submit or update a policy. If you notice an issue with a policy listed below, please submit the information using the Policy Update Request form. Policies are posted for comments for 14 days before they are finalized and submitted for approval.

Title Effective Date Policy Type Application Department
Student Grievance Code Student Affairs Students Dean of Students
Affiliated Faculty Policy 11-29-2018 Personnel Faculty, Staff Academic Affairs
Volunteer Emergency Worker Policy Student Affairs Students
Drug and Alcohol Policy Brief 12-12-2019 Academic, Student Affairs Students, Faculty, Staff, Facilites Student Affairs
Guidelines Regarding Approval of Appointments 10-04-2017 Personnel Faculty
Parental Notification Brief Operational Students
Guidelines for Academic Staff Salary Increases 05-01-2011 Personnel Staff
Consideration of Sexual Misconduct in Prior Employment 05-20-2021 Personnel Faculty, Staff Human Resources
Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Information Technology Services Students, Faculty, Staff Information Technology Services
Student Loan Code of Conduct Policy 10-25-2022 Academic, Operational, Personnel Staff Financial Assistance
Non-Faculty Employees Teaching Courses 01-01-2018 Academic Staff Academic Affairs
Alternative Compensation Program 09-01-2018 Personnel Staff Human Resources
State of Illinois Child of Employee Tuition Waiver Policy Enrollment Management, Personnel Students, Staff Enrollment & Retention Management
Prohibiting Violence On Campus Operational, Personnel Students, Faculty, Staff
Facilities Naming and Commemorative Plaque Policy 12-11-2007 Operational Staff Facilities & Services
Student Location Determinations Enrollment Management Students Enrollment & Retention Management
Pre-Employment Physical Agility and Lifting Policy 07-01-2019 Personnel Faculty, Staff Human Resources
Expressive Activity Policy 08-23-2024 Operational Office of the Chancellor
Animals in Buildings and on Grounds 09-09-2016 Operational Students, Faculty, Staff, Facilites Access & Equity
Oral English Proficiency 09-04-2015 Personnel Faculty Academic Affairs
Digital Resource Accessibility Policy 03-27-2018 Academic, Information Technology Services Students, Faculty, Staff Center for Online Learning, Research, & Service
Concealed Carry Policy Public Act 98-63 430 ILCS 66 Operational Students, Faculty, Staff
Feeding of Non-Domesticated Animals on University Property Policy 09-13-2018 Operational, Personnel Students, Faculty, Staff, Facilites
Campus Safety Policy For Students With Disabilities in Case Of A Fire Or An Emergency Evacuation Operational Students
Academic Integrity Policy 02-20-2015 Academic Students, Faculty Academic Affairs

Unit-Level Policies

Site editors and publishers have access to create new or edit existing unit-level policies that belong to their department, but only publishers have access to publish the policy to the site. For more information, view the How to Create or Edit a Policy tutorial.

Title Effective Date Policy Type Application Department
Assignment Assistance Policy Academic Students The Learning Hub
Solarium Policy Academic Students The Learning Hub
World Health Organization Yellow Cards Policy 10-23-2018 Student Affairs Students Student Affairs
Collection Development Policy Operational Brookens Library
Plan for Combating the Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighted Material by Users of UIS Network Information Technology Services Students, Faculty, Staff Information Technology Services
Course Reserves Policy Brookens Library
UIS Student Guide to Financial Aid Enrollment Management Students Financial Assistance
Reserving and Utilizing the UIS Conference Center 06-18-2019 Operational Students, Faculty, Staff Facilities & Services
ISAC Award Policy Enrollment Management Students Financial Assistance
Library Of Things Policies Operational Students, Faculty, Staff Brookens Library
Hazing Policy Student Affairs Students Student Affairs
Weapons Screening at UIS Performing Arts Center 07-20-2021 Operational Performing Arts Services
Participating in Research as a Course Requirement Policy Research & Sponsored Projects Psychology
Appointment Policy Academic Students The Learning Hub
Cell Phone Policy Academic Students The Learning Hub
Supervised Study Policy Academic Students The Learning Hub
Brookens Library Cell Phone Policy Operational Facilites Brookens Library
Acceptable Use of Network Resources Information Technology Services Students, Faculty, Staff Information Technology Services
Brookens Computer Policy Brookens Library
Protection of Electronic Information Information Technology Services Students, Faculty, Staff Information Technology Services
Library Display and Special Use Area Policy 06-13-2018 Operational Students, Faculty, Staff Brookens Library
Disbursement Process — Receiving Your Aid Enrollment Management Students Financial Assistance
Food and Drink Policy Operational Students, Faculty, Staff Brookens Library
Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress 07-01-2023 Enrollment Management Students Financial Assistance
Locker Policy Operational Students, Faculty, Staff Brookens Library