All proposals for the honorific naming of campus facilities and programs must be consistent with applicable provisions of the General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedures, Article V, Section 4, as well as the University of Illinois Business and Financial Policies and Procedures, and must be approved by the Office of the Chancellor and, if applicable, The Board of Trustees.

In the special case of the honorific naming of an academic program, school, college, institute, center, etc., the advice of the faculty and shall be sought at the lowest appropriate level and each higher level.

In addition, proposals for the naming of facilities and programs must demonstrate at least one of the following:

  1. The nominee has made substantial contributions toward financing the construction, renovation, remodeling, or addition to a facility; or toward establishing, advancing or maintaining a program;
  2. The nominee was identified by a person referenced in section (a);
  3. The nominee is or was a distinguished person in the public life of the State of Illinois or the nation;
  4. The nominee was a distinguished former member of The Board of Trustees; or
  5. The nominee was a distinguished former member of the University Faculty, staff, or administration.
  6. The proposed naming of a facility or program should serve the best interests of the University.

The proposed name must also be consistent with the existing pattern of building names and the function of the facility. When appropriate, a period of time for the honorific naming will be indicated in the proposal.

Notwithstanding the above provisions, commemorative plaques or tablets may be installed inside buildings near spaces such as rooms, lounges, laboratories, performance spaces and lecture halls in recognition of:

  1. Distinguished members of the University faculty, staff, or administration whose services were identified with the functions of said space; or
  2. Donors of funds (or an honoree designated by the donor) where the contribution was substantial in financing the renovation or remodeling of said spaces.


Any plaque or tablet must be approved by the Chancellor but does not require Board approval.


The following are the procedures for requests that originate in departments, colleges, or other campus units both for name changes and for installation of commemorative plaques or tablets.

Procedure for the honorific naming of campus facilities and programs:


1.  Dean/Director prepares memorandum to justify       the proposed naming and demonstrate consistency with the General Rules and UIS criteria.


2.  In the case of naming of an academic program, school, college, institute, or center, the Dean/Director in consultation with the Associate Chancellor for Development and the Campus Senate Chair, determines and implements the appropriate level of faculty participation.


3.  Dean/Director forwards memorandum to his/her Vice Chancellor for administrative review.   

Vice Chancellor (who oversees Unit with naming opportunity)

4.  Vice Chancellor reviews recommendation.  If approved, forwards to the Associate Chancellor for Development with letter of support.  If disapproved, returns to the Dean/Director for further discussion.

Associate Chancellor for Development  

5.  As appropriate, Associate Chancellor consults with the requesting Dean/Director and prepares recommendation for discussion with the Chancellor.

Chancellor  6.  Approves or disapproves naming proposal.  Determines whether Board of Trustees approval is required.  In the case of naming of an academic program, school, college, institute, or center, the Chancellor seeks the advice of the Senate prior to making a final decision on the naming proposal.


Procedure for installing commemorative plaques or tablets:


1.  Dean/Director prepares memorandum to justify the proposed plaque or tablet.

2.  Dean/Director forwards memorandum to his/her Vice Chancellor for administrative review.

Vice Chancellor (who oversees Unit with request) 

3.  Vice Chancellor reviews recommendation.  If approved, forwards to the Associate Chancellor for Development with letter of support. If disapproved, returns to the Dean/Director for further discussion.
Associate Chancellor for Development 

4.  As appropriate, Associate Chancellor consults with the requesting Dean/Director and prepares recommendation for discussion with the Chancellor. 

Chancellor  5. Chancellor approves or disapproves of installation of plaque or tablet.


Campus signage and directory information may deviate from official names for the sake of clarity or brevity, or to confirm with common usage.

Approval Date
Effective Date
Responsible Unit
Associated Documents