About Us

Our Mission

The Office of Engaged Learning leads and supports the development of opportunities for UIS students to be actively engaged in experiential learning.

Our Vision

UIS understands the value and importance of experiential learning to the development and growth of the individual and society. The Office of Engaged Learning at UIS will work with local, state, national, and global communities to develop a network of experiential learning opportunities to inspire students to become intentional learners, professionals, and social citizens.


Office of Engaged Learning

Phone: (217) 206-6640
Email: oel@uis.edu

University of Illinois Springfield
One University Plaza, MS BRK 482
Springfield IL 62703-5407

Internships & Prior Learning Services

Phone: (217) 206-6640
Email: ipl@uis.edu

OEL Experiences

Internships and Prior Learning

The Office of Internships and Prior Learning consists of three programs: Internships, Prior Learning Assessment, and Service-Learning.  These programs provide an opportunity for students to pursue experiential and active learning activities away from campus. They may also earn ECCE Engagement credits and fulfill degree program requirements.

Office Of Engaged Learning

The Office of Engaged Learning provides innovative experiential learning opportunities for a diverse student population through the Internship and Prior Learning Office and the Study Away Program.


Spring 2024 Office Zoom Open Hours

Monday - Wednesday from 10-11 am