Please be aware that this Thursday, February 6, Parking Lot J and a section of Lot F will be closed to campus for parking due to an event being held at the Student Union.

On this date, please make sure to plan accordingly and utilize alternate parking lots authorized by your parking hang tag.

Thank you!

Parking Operations
Office: BSB 43
Phone: (217) 206-8502

The following 2025 Commencement message was emailed to all UIS students on Tuesday, Feb. 4:

Dear students,

Planning is underway for the 2025 Commencement Ceremonies! All critical commencement information will arrive via your email, so check your inbox frequently. You can also check the Commencement website for updates:

Commencement Ceremonies

This year, three commencement ceremonies (divided by college) will be held in Sangamon Auditorium in the UIS Performing Arts Center on the UIS Campus as noted below: 

F&S will oversee caulking work at the Colonnade on Monday, February 3 - weather permitting.

Scissor lifts will be in use so the work area will be cordoned off for safety. Please use caution if you must travel near the work area.

As always, your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated as we work to maintain our campus facilities.

Facilities and Services

Business Services Building (BSB) 33 



Please join us for the Open Forums featuring candidates for the position of Director of the Access & Equity Office and Title IX Coordinator. Instead of a formal presentation, the forums will follow an open Q&A format. I will begin each session by asking the same two questions to each candidate, after which the floor will be open for questions from attendees.

Both Open Forums will be held in Brookens Auditorium: