• If you are currently employed or were previously employed by the University of Illinois, employee names on record with the University must be the legal name on record with the US Social Security Administration. If it is not, both the employee and University can be in violation of Federal tax laws.

Preferred First Name

Students may designate a preferred first name, which certain University systems will then use.  The University will also retain your full legal name, which is used when required by the University, such as in tax documents, contracts, academic transcripts, diplomas, and certain health records. Additional details are available online.

If you have any questions, please contact Records by calling (217) 206-6709 or emailing registrar@uis.edu.

Student Location Determinations

In November 2019, the Department of Education promulgated regulations requiring that institutions of higher education make a determination regarding the state in which a student is located for the purpose of making certain disclosures. The disclosures pertain to educational programs designed to meet the educational requirements for a specific professional license or certification that is required for employment in an occupation or is advertised as meeting such requirements. The location determination must be made at the time of the student’s initial enrollment in the educational program, and again upon formal receipt of information from the student that their location has changed. These regulations can be found at 34 CFR § 668.43(c) as amended on October 31, 2023.

Location designations shall remain in effect until a student changes the U.S. state or territory listed in their permanent address. Address changes are made online within Student Self-Service (https://apps.uillinois.edu/). The student location address type can be used to note only a change in location. Once a student has updated their location, the university will consider the new U.S. state or territory as the student’s location for the purposes of the professional licensure policy.    

This policy only determines location (not residency) for purposes of professional licensure as governed by 34 CFR § 668.43 and is not a factor in determining residency for tuition purposes.  All other university policies that determine Illinois residency for the purpose of tuition assessment will not be superseded by this policy.


Social Security Number Change Information

A request to change your social security number must be made in person at the appropriate office.

  • If you are a student and have never been employed by the University, present your updated Social Security Card (as legal documentation reflecting the change) and photo ID to Records.
  • If you are a student and current employee at any University of Illinois location, present your updated Social Security Card, as legal documentation reflecting the change, to the person responsible for human resources in your employing unit. In addition, review the Personnel Information tab in NESSIE for other places you may need to update your social security number.
  • If you are a student and have not been employed by the University within the last 18 months, present your updated Social Security Card (as legal documentation reflecting the change) and photo ID to Records.
  • If you are a student and your employment with the University has ended within the last 18th months, present your updated Social Security Card, as legal documentation reflecting the change to the UIS Human Resource Office at:

Human Resources Building (HRB) 30

  • If you are currently employed or were previously employed by the university of Illinois, the social security number information on record with the University must be correct information as issued by the US Social Security Administration. If it is not, both the employee and University can be in violation of Federal tax laws.

If you have any questions, please contact Records by calling (217) 206-6709 or emailing registrar@uis.edu.

Legal Sex/Gender Designation/Personal Pronoun Change Information

Under Title IX, there is no medical diagnosis or treatment requirement that students must meet as a prerequisite to being treated consistent with their gender identity.  If you wish to change your legal sex or gender designation, a request must be made in person at the Office of Records and Registration.

Students may designate a personal pronoun, which certain University systems will then use. To have a personal pronoun designated, a request must be made in person at the Office of Records and Registration.

If you have any questions, please contact Records by calling (217) 206-6709 or emailing registrar@uis.edu.