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Navigating the Intersection of Math, Poetry, and AI: The Crossroads in Helena Soares’ Pursuit

Helena Soares is a double major in Mathematics and English. She delights on the synergy between these seemingly disparate fields. Her love for both subjects is akin to a poetic equation, where words and numbers dance together, creating a symphony of intellectual curiosity.

Helena is a poet. She weaves verses that transcend the mundane, infusing them with the elegance of mathematical patterns. This is one of her found poems, 

"This Fundamental Theorem"

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UIS to host a panel discussion on unveiling AI bias through a multidisciplinary approach

WHAT: The University of Illinois Springfield AI Campus Learning Community and the Center for Faculty Excellence will host an event on artificial intelligence (AI) bias. This event aims to shed light on the issue of bias in AI by adopting an interdisciplinary approach and is free and open to the public. There will also be a complementary buffet lunch.

WHEN: 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., Thursday, March 7

WHERE: UIS Student Union Ballroom