There are a few overlapping reasons why the CSHP asks for uniformity and consistency in the use of these learning outcomes. First, the CSHP needs consistency in the use of course-specific learning outcomes for purposes of program assessment. Second, because there are multiple sections of each course, and the actual course content may vary widely between sections, having a uniform set of learning outcomes helps to assure that all instructors are committed to a common purpose and helps to ensure curricular coherence among CAP courses. Third, program faculty believe that use of the common set of course learning outcomes will help faculty who may be new to the program with the development of course syllabi.

Please note that faculty are welcome to supplement the course-specific learning outcomes supplied by CSHP with additional learning outcomes as they see fit.

CAP Course Learning Outcomes

See this document for an overview of the Capital Scholars Honors Curriculum and brief course descriptions:

CAP Curriculum & Courses