Message from the Chancellor: UIS Update 8.19.24


Good morning, UIS:

The first day of classes begin in just a few days, and I’m so excited to see our students back on campus! As we look forward, it’s also a moment to reflect on the amazing work you've done this past summer. From enriching summer programs to upcoming events, our community continues to thrive thanks to your dedication and hard work.

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A Message to our UIS Community


Dear Faculty and Staff —

Welcome to a new academic year at UIS and to our newest faculty and staff colleagues. I know many of us are embracing Fall semester with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and excitement, and I hope this year is both personally and professionally fulfilling for each of you as you seize every opportunity to make a difference in our students’ lives.

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Message from the Chancellor: Faculty Tenure and Promotion


Dear members of the UIS Campus Community:

I am pleased to announce that on July 11, 2024, after campus-level review, the University of Illinois Board of Trustees approved the following UIS faculty for tenure and/or promotion:

Faculty Promotion:

  • Hinda Seif, Associate Professor, Sociology/Anthropology—promotion to Professor

Faculty Tenure and Promotion:

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Message from the Chancellor: Merit-based salary program details


Dear Faculty & Staff —

Following President Killeen’s announcement earlier this week, this message confirms the 2% merit-based salary program for the 2024-25 academic year. The 2% merit-based salary program is to be distributed at the discretion of the unit head. Division heads will identify the unit head for each area based on operational responsibility.

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