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Dear Colleagues:

Thank you for attending Friday’s Rise Professional Development Retreat! I hope you enjoyed the opportunity to connect with your colleagues while learning about and reflecting on the important topic of personal wellness. I was so impressed with the quality of information shared by our keynote speaker and our talented faculty and staff!

This is just the first of many opportunities we hope to provide at UIS to help our community grow as professionals while strengthening our UIS culture. To help us best understand how to continue offering high-quality, effective professional development programming, please complete this Post-Event Survey at your earliest convenience. This will assist the planning committee members as they begin to plan our spring semester retreat.

Additionally, if you’d like to help plan future programs or participate in other professional development opportunities, please complete the Professional Development Participation Survey this week.

And finally, I hope you noticed an email from Credly offering a digital badge to download. This is our gift to you for participating in Friday’s retreat! You can download it to post to your social media platforms, add it to your email signature and more. Please reach out to committee members Kelsea Gurski or Jessie Burrell if you did not receive an email recently from Credly.

It’s so important to take time to invest in ourselves. I appreciate your attendance at Friday’s retreat, and I can’t wait to see you at the next one!


Janet L. Gooch, PhD


University of Illinois Springfield

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