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ITS is offering a new service to campus that allows employees to make/receive phone calls to their office number on their cell phone or laptop/desktop.

This service will replace IP Communicator, which has been used as a 'soft phone'. IP Communicator will be retired as of September 1 for legal compliance reasons. Ray Baum's Act requires that location information be included with a 911 call and IP Communicator does not provide that information. Support for IP Communicator ended as of September 30, 2022.

An additional benefit of Jabber is that it does not require the VPN, thus making off-campus calls much simpler and more stable. Jabber requires users to install an app on their device (desktop, laptop, and/or mobile device).

There is a cost to the department associated with Jabber licenses which will be added to each month's phone bill. Phone costs are listed below.

  • $25/mo. for a desk phone/fax line (this cost is currently $17.25 and will be increased campus-wide as of August 1). No action is needed for this option.
  • $20/mo. for one Jabber device only
  • $35/mo. for a desk phone and one Jabber device
  • $40/mo. for two Jabber devices
  • $55/mo. for a desk phone and two Jabber devices

Please note that the updated phone costs will go into effect August 1, and include fax lines. Jabber may be requested at any time, and charges will begin the month of activation.

For more information and to request a Jabber license, please go to Choose Jabber, and then choose Add Jabber Device. You will need to enter a CFOAP to submit your request for Jabber.

Information Technology Serivces

University of Illinois Springfield

(217) 206-6000

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