Richard Funderburg
School of Public Management and Policy
IGPA - Core Central Activities
Associate Prof.
IGPA Collaborative Scholar
Area of Specialization

Office Location
PAC 484
Phone Number

Richard Funderburg is an associate professor in the School of Public Management and Policy and a collaborating scholar at the Institute of Government and Public Affairs, where he is a member of the Fiscal and Economic Policy working group. He earned his Ph.D. in Planning, Policy, and Design at the University of California, Irvine. Dr. Funderburg also holds a Master of Public Policy and Administration degree from California State University, Sacramento. Professor Funderburg is an expert on state and local economic development policy. He has published over 15 studies of economic development in peer-reviewed urban planning and regional science journals. Professor Funderburg has extensive experience advising state and local governments, including appointments with the California Department of Finance and the California Employment Development Department. Dr. Funderburg is actively engaged in the local community, where he serves as a commissioner on the Village of Chatham Planning Commission. Rick teaches budget and finance, economics and public policy, information for decision making, community planning and policy, community economic development, and public management.

Recent Publications:

(In Press) Funderburg, R., T. Dooley, and T. Bland. “Community Affluence as a Barrier to Housing Affordability: The Siting of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Projects and Sustained Inequality in Illinois’s Capital Region.” In R. Islam, P. Kraeger, and R. Phillips (Eds.) Social (In)Equality and Community Well-Being. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar.

(2022) Funderburg, R. and J. Drucker. “Why Do Local Governments Award Business Tax Incentives?” PA Times, March 11, 2022. Available here.

(2021) Funderburg, R., J. Drucker, D. Merriman, and R. Weber. “Is Tax Competition Strategic? Spatial Distributions of Business Property Tax Abatements in the Chicago Suburbs,” Economic Development Quarterly, 35(1), 66–83. Available here.

(2020) Drucker, J., R. Funderburg, D. Merriman, and R. Weber. “Do Local Governments Use Business Tax Incentives to Compensate for High Business Property Taxes?” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 81, 103498. Available here.

(2019) Funderburg, R. “Regional Employment and Housing Impacts of Tax Increment Financing Districts,” Regional Studies53, 874-886. Available here.

(2018) Drucker, J., R. Funderburg, D. Merriman, and R. Weber. The Use of Business Property Tax Incentives in Cook County, Illinois. Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of Illinois. Available here (PDF).

(2016) Lejano, R. and R. Funderburg. “Geographies of Risk, the Regulatory State, and the Ethic of Care,” Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 106, 1097-1113. Available here.

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Richard Funderburg CV (PDF)