Visitors: Visitors are individuals who are directly associated with UIS (an active student or actively employed). Visitors are allowed in your room/unit.

Physical Distancing: Physical distancing must be maintained when visitors are present in your room/unit and you are unaware of the visitor’s vaccination status or you know not all individuals are fully vaccinated.

Face Coverings: Face coverings must be worn when visitors are present in your room/unit and you are unaware of the visitor’s vaccination status or you know not all individuals are fully vaccinated.

Guests: Guests are individuals who are not directly associated with the university (actively employed or an active student) who are visiting the UIS campus. Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated guests are not permitted in your room/unit. Fully vaccinated guests are permitted in your room/unit when Sangamon County is in Low & Moderate levels of community transmission, but not permitted when Sangamon County is in Substantial & High levels of community transmission. As identified by the CDC COVID Data Tracker.

Social Gatherings: Residents are allowed to have visitor and/or guests within their room/unit for the purposes of social gatherings, so long as all other university and Residence Life policies are being followed. Physical distancing and face coverings are required when visitors (as defined above) are present in your room/unit and you are unaware of the visitor’s vaccination status or you know not all individuals are fully vaccinated.

Maximum Number of Visitors/Guests: Residents are allowed to have one visitor/guest per bed space, at the same time. This means there may not be more than 8 individuals in a townhome or apartment at the same time, and there may not be more than 4 individuals in a residence hall room at the same time.

Residential Community Spaces: All lounges, conference rooms, laundry facilities and the Great Room will remain open. Individuals are expected to practice physical distancing and wear face coverings in these spaces as well, in alignment with the UIS Fall 2021 Approach to Safety. Food and drinks are not permitted in these spaces, unless approved for the Great Room through the CRRT.

* During time periods when UIS requires face coverings to be worn indoors by all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, face coverings should be worn in your room/unit when visitors or guests are present.