Echoes of Change: Central Illinois Journalism and Social Justice in the 1980s

Echoes of Change: Central Illinois Journalism and Social Justice in the 1980s is a captivating exploration of the profound impact of local journalism during a transformative era. In this enlightening program, we delve into the vital role played by journalists in Central Illinois as they confronted and reported on the Illinois Human Rights Law (1979), Equal Rights Amendment Rally (1982), Urban Renewal (1983), the Desegregation of Local Government in Springfield (1987), and the creation of the Central Illinois Gay Lesbian Task Force. Moreover, the program explores journalists' ethical dilemmas and professional challenges in pursuing truth and justice. It underscores the importance of journalistic principles such as accuracy, fairness, and impartiality, which guided reporters in their quest to uncover and expose social injustices. By revisiting the stories and struggles of Central Illinois in the 1980s, "Echoes of Change" not only honors the legacy of local journalism but also invites reflection on its enduring relevance in today's world. In an era marked by shifting media landscapes and evolving challenges, the program is a powerful reminder of journalists' essential role in safeguarding democracy and promoting social change.

Understanding Inequality: Redlining is only part of the story

Redlining, some scholars contend, has become a “narrative crutch” that obscures a much longer history of housing discrimination. Redlining didn’t create systemic racism in American housing patterns, it sanctioned it. Vulnerable communities still feel the impacts of this profitable disinvestment in vast and far-reaching ways. The perpetuation of racist residential patterns far exceeds the reach of government actors. Public and private actors are, in many ways, equally responsible for the spaces we do and do not inhabit to this day. This session will center a local lens and deep dive into new maps and resources added to “Mapping Inequality” and other related digital humanities projects from the University of Richmond’s Digital Scholarship Lab and New American History. Participants will have an opportunity to explore OER resources designed to help seek solutions in the modern era.

Spring Star Party (02/16)

The UIS Astronomy-Physics program will host a Star Party the UIS Campus Observatory on February 16, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Right now the weather forecast for Friday is marginal. If we have clouds or accumulated snow we will cancel. We will wait until this afternoon to decide. If we cancel, notice will be posted no later than 6 pm on Dr. Martin’s Instagram and as a phone message at 217/206-8342.


Each year, the Faculty and Staff Campaign encourages all university employees to make a gift to UIS during the current fiscal year. Special efforts are carried out each year in March to raise awareness and have fun while promoting employee giving. The FASC Council hopes faculty and staff continue to show their support for UIS through this campaign.