Serving on Personnel Committees - CFE

Serving on Personnel Committees

Join us for a discussion of the issues surrounding serving on personnel committees at UIS, including ethical considerations, best practices, and potential pitfalls. Learn how to evaluate peers fairly and constructively while balancing multiple elements of review standards. We will discuss the procedures that govern UIS personnel committees and how to apply them.

Presenter: Deborah Anthony, Professor and Chair, Legal Studies

Preparing a Narrative and Portfolio - CFE

Preparing a Narrative and Portfolio

Are you wondering how to write a compelling narrative within the set page limit? Or how to construct a professional portfolio to complement the narrative that will resonate with colleagues inside and outside of your discipline? This session will review the pertinent Personnel Policy sections and focus on best practices for preparing strong applications for reappointment, tenure, and promotion.

Employee Development Series: Autism on Campus - Recognizing the Signs, Supporting & Accommodating the Person

Please join us for the next installment of the monthly Employee Development Series: Autism on Campus - Recognizing the Signs, Supporting & Accommodating the Person. The focus of this event is to draw the audience’s attention to the field of autism as it relates to UIS campus-based support and accommodations. With a supposed “autism tsunami” in the years to come in which UIS will likely see a significant increase of employees and students on the spectrum, UIS needs to prepare for it, at all levels. Participants will learn about the research Dr.

ITS Summer Workshop Series: Sending Mass Emails with Email+

Spend your summer with ITS! We'll be hosting weekly 30-minute workshops on a variety of topics. There is something for everyone!

There is no need to register. Join us in person in UHB 2028 or via Zoom.

Sending Mass Emails with Email+ | July 24 from 9:30-10 a.m.

Email+ is our solution for sending mass emails that are not blocked or marked as spam. Email+ also provides helpful data, such as how many people open your email. Emails can also be personalized with customized data fields.

ITS Summer Workshop Series: Working with Data in Excel

Spend your summer with ITS! We'll be hosting weekly 30-minute workshops on a variety of topics. There is something for everyone!

There is no need to register. Join us in person in UHB 2028 or via Zoom

Working with Data in Excel | July 11 from 11-11:30 a.m.

Excel is a powerful tool for organizing, managing, and analyzing data. In this session we'll explore Excel's sorting and filtering tools - including creating a custom sort and filtering text, dates, and number fields.

ITS Summer Workshop Series: Outlook Polls

Spend your summer with ITS! We'll be hosting weekly 30-minute workshops on a variety of topics. There is something for everyone!

There is no need to register. Join us in person in UHB 2028 or via Zoom

Outlook Polls | June 27 from 10-10:30 a.m.

Scheduling meetings has never been easier! Outlook polls integrate with the calendar so meeting organizers can offer options when attendees are available and attendees can easily select times that work for them.