Illinois law (Public Act 85-1315) and UIS policy require proof of immunity to certain vaccine-preventable diseases before students can register for classes for a second term.  To ensure validity of immunization records presented by international students, this policy defines “Proof of Immunization” procedures for international students.

The Yellow Card

Overseen by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Yellow Card acts as a notarized document from a health care provider and is regularly used for recording travel vaccines, current medication and allergies, and other personal health information. International Travel Care has confirmed Yellow Cards are available in any country through medical providers (Travel Vaccines & Medications). Medical providers in any country can access the Yellow Card by ordering it from their Foreign Embassy, the World Health Organization, or the U.S. Government Printing Office.

Beginning Spring, 2019, UIS Health Services will require Yellow Cards as evidence for immunization administered outside of the United States. Students unable to produce a Yellow Card to verify non-domestic vaccinations may receive the necessary immunizations at UIS Health Services or at any domestic health care provider of their choosing.

NOTE: This policy will be made explicitly clear in the application process so that all students are made aware of the requirements at the time they apply for admission to UIS.

Approval Date
Effective Date
Responsible Unit