Supervised Study Rules

  • You must be actively studying.
  • You cannot be on any websites or applications that are not related to your coursework.
  • You may listen to music if it is on your computer and if you are wearing headphones and listening at a level that is not disruptive to others. However, it cannot take your full attention.
  • You may not use the couches for supervised study time — only the tables and desk chairs. Only if all other seats are filled may you then use the couches.
  • If you are using a laptop, you must sit so that any Hub staff member can see your screen when they walk by.
  • Failure to follow these guidelines, will result in you being asked to leave the supervised study, and in you not being allowed to use The Learning Hub for your supervised study hours for the rest of the semester.
  • Hours must be approved in advance by the Director of Academic Support Services for Athletics.
Responsible Unit
Unit Head
Tarah Sweeting Trotter