Balancing Budgets in a Postpandemic World: Insights from 'On the Edge' - A Discussion with Volcker Alliance and UIS Experts

In a recently concluded webinar, University of Illinois Springfield (UIS) professors Beverly Bunch and Patricia Byrnes, in partnership with the Volcker Alliance, presented the results of their research on the risks of a fiscal cliff for state governments when federal funding from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) expires. The UIS research team, which included two UIS students, Abigail Su and Nathan Schleiden, found that 12 states are at moderate or elevated risk of having to cut programs unless alternative funding can be identified.
See the Volcker Alliance website for a recording of the webinar and the issue paper.
Webinar Panel:
Beverly Bunch, UIS Professor: Author of "On the Edge: Balancing Budgets in a Postpandemic World.” Dr. Bunch specializes in state and local government budgeting and financial management.
Patricia Byrnes, UIS Associate Professor: Research Team. Dr. Byrnes specializes in economics, with a focus on local economic development policies and state and local finance.
William Glasgall, Senior Director, Public Finance at the Volcker Alliance: With a wealth of experience in public finance, Mr. Glasgall provides valuable insights and commentary. He has supervised the publication of numerous working papers and studies, including the Truth and Integrity in State Budgeting reports.