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In alignment with UIS’ commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive environment, the Access & Equity Office is taking steps to help the campus community integrate inclusive practices into the search and hiring processes. Beginning in October, all hiring managers and search committee members participating in AP and Faculty searches will be required to complete a training which provides guidance on recognizing and mitigating bias, creating job descriptions and position advertisements that attract diverse candidates, and integrating inclusive practices into the candidate evaluation processes. AEO will review the training status of each individual involved in the search process to ensure compliance with the training requirement before the Request to Search is approved. Members of the campus community will be required to update their training every two years. This training mandate, accompanied by new advertising resources and guidelines for inclusive searches within the new AEO Search Manual (released June 2023), will help UIS further infuse our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion into the hiring process. Additional information, including how to access the training, will be sent to the UIS campus community mid-September and available on the AEO website.