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Welcome back, UIS!

I hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving break spent with your favorite people. We only have a few short weeks left in the semester, and with finals approaching, let’s continue to support our students and one another. This is a stressful time of year, and compounded by issues around the globe, it’s important that we act with kindness and compassion. And please remember the support resources available for both employees and students.

New Information

Lunch ‘n’ Learn

Human Resources, Student Affairs and the UIS Counseling Center are partnering for a Mental Health Lunch ‘n’ Learn at noon Wednesday, Nov. 29, in the Student Union Ballroom. The focus of the one-hour luncheon will be to learn about UI System and UIS resources for students and employees. Lunch is provided. Register here.

CSAC Professional Development Funding

The Civil Service Advisory Committee is accepting applications for professional development funding for Civil Service employees. Applications should be approved by your supervisor and submitted by 5 p.m. Nov. 30. More information about eligibility and the application process can be found here.

Holiday Cocktail Hour

Come celebrate the holidays 4-5 p.m. Dec. 19 in the Student Union Ballroom. There will be music, drinks and snacks to help us ring in the holidays together. RSVP here.

Health and Wellness Reminder

It’s cold and flu season, and some areas are seeing an uptick in COVID-19 as well. Please be extra diligent in monitoring your health, stay home if feeling unwell, and if you do test positive for COVID-19, follow current CDC guidance regarding isolation and masking. The federal government is once again offering free COVID tests; visit It’s also not too late to get your flu vaccine or COVID-19 booster.

Sangamon CEO High School Mentor Matching Program

Innovate Springfield is partnering with the Illinois Science and Technology Coalition (ISTC) to create a professional mentorship matching program for high school students in the Sangamon CEO program. Students will be paired with innovative leaders to work on student-driven business startup ideas. Students then will present their projects at the Sangamon CEO trade show.

Information that Bears Repeating

Visual Arts Gallery’s Silent Auction

The UIS Visual Arts Gallery’s annual silent auction and benefit will take place both online and in person today through Dec. 7. Works will be on display at the UIS Visual Arts Gallery Dec. 4-7. There will be a final bidding reception at the gallery from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Dec. 7. All proceeds will support the gallery.

AI Initiatives and Achievements

The Office of Web Services developed an AI at UIS page to promote and highlight the AI initiatives and achievements at UIS. Learn more about how you can promote AI.

Study Away

Students can earn academic credit while experiencing another culture. Study away courses in China, Dominican Republic, Japan, Spain and Taiwan are available in summer 2024. Encourage students to visit the Study Away website to learn about the benefits of studying abroad and how to apply.

Deadline Today to Nominate Students for UI System Scholarship

The Dr. Kazys Grinius Endowment Scholarship was established to help fund the education of University of Illinois students “of Lithuanian descent as well as to students who have demonstrated interest in Lithuanian history, culture, and/or language.” Two $1,200 scholarships will be awarded for the 2023-24 academic year. If you would like to nominate a student, please send the nominee’s name and email address to, and they will forward an application to the student. Nominations would be appreciated by today, as the application deadline for this scholarship is Dec. 4.

Celebrating our Star Power

Lilian Georgiou, a UIS history major, recently presented her research, “The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Arab Orthodox Community,” at the Undergraduate Research Workshop hosted by the Committee for Undergraduate Middle East Studies at the annual meeting of the Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) held in Montreal.

Let’s have a great last few weeks of the semester!


Janet L. Gooch, PhD


University of Illinois Springfield

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