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Dear Faculty:

I’m following up on the Chancellor’s email to UIS students this morning to ask that you encourage students in your classes to participate in this brief student satisfaction survey. The survey opened today, March 22, and closes April 14.


On Wednesday, March 22 all enrolled students received an e-mail link to a survey from Chancellor Gooch.  

The survey covers areas of registration, campus life, safety & security, academic advising, concern for individuals, instructional effectiveness, and university support services.  It takes about 20 minutes to complete.


Student responses will help us get a clear picture of what we need to do now to improve their academic and social experiences at UIS.  We will actively use the information provided to make noticeable changes to improve students’ experiences. 

Students who complete the survey will be entered into a drawing to receive a $25 gift card to Amazon.  A total of 50 gift cards will be awarded. 

Thank you!

Monica Kroft

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs & Provost

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