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Laying the Foundation for an Increasingly Digital Future: CHST's Commitment to UIS & the Community

As the interim Dean of the UIS College of Health, Science, and Technology, I'm excited and personally moved to introduce our blog series, deeply inspired by the transformative ideas in Leonardi and Neeley's book on the digital mindset. Reading this book was a revelation; it reinforced my belief in our profound responsibility and obligation at CHST. Leonardi and Neeley's concept of the '30% threshold' of digital literacy – the minimum needed to thrive in today's fast-evolving world—particularly struck me. It's not just an academic concept; it's a call to action. Ensuring every UIS student, past and present, and our broader community reaches this level of digital literacy is a mission we (CHST) must take to heart.

Ensuring every UIS student, past and present, and our broader community reaches this level of digital literacy is a mission we (CHST) must take to heart.

Travis Bland, Interim Dean, College of Health, Science, and Technology

In the absence of this 30% threshold, there's a real risk of widening the digital divide, leaving many behind in a world increasingly governed by technology. This series, which also draws from the invaluable insights in Heather McGowan’s book on the adaptation advantage, is more than just an exploration of the digital mindset. It's a journey towards understanding our crucial role in shaping a future where everyone within our reach is equipped to face the challenges and opportunities of rapid digital transformation.

Join us over the next five weeks as we delve into the essential areas for developing a digital mindset: collaboration, computation, change, and the future of work. Here is a sampling of what is to come:

Week 1: Embracing Collaboration in the Digital Era

Join us as we explore the evolving world of human-computer interaction and collaboration. We'll delve into how digital tools and AI transform team dynamics, fostering a shift from competition to cooperation. Discover effective strategies for creating a compelling digital presence and overcoming the challenges of remote collaboration.

Week 2: Computation: Understanding Data in a Digital World

Data is the backbone of today's decision-making process. This week, we break down complex data analytics into understandable concepts. Learn about data classification, the influence of bias in algorithms, and how industries harness data for strategic advantages.

Week 3: Navigating Change: Security and Adaptation in the Digital Age

Change is a constant in the digital world. We’ll address how to manage digital security and privacy concerns effectively. Get insights into proactive adaptation strategies to stay agile despite continuous technological evolution.

Week 4: The Future of Work: Leveraging Human Potential with AI

Explore the synergistic relationship between AI and human creativity. Inspired by experts like Heather E. McGowan, we’ll discuss how AI can augment human skills in the workplace, preparing for a future where technology and human intelligence coexist.

Closing Week: Our Collective Call to Action

In our final week, we extend a call to action. It’s time to bring everyone up to speed with the digital revolution. We’ll discuss how CHST aims to elevate our students, alums, and community members, empowering them to thrive in this digital age.

Grab a copy of the books referenced earlier—they will not disappoint—and stay tuned as we embark on this journey of discovery and growth, navigating the intricacies of the digital world together.

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