Heather Bailey
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UHB 3061
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Heather Bailey has a Ph.D. in modern European history from the University of Minnesota and has been teaching modern European and Russian History courses at UIS since 2002. Her research focuses on the intellectual, cultural, and diplomatic relations between France and Russia in the nineteenth century. She has published extensively on negative attitudes about Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church in western European discourses. Currently she is writing a book on Anton Berezowski's attempt to assassinate Emperor Alexander II in 1867, in the broader context of criminal justice systems, radicalism, and political terror in France and Russia. It will also explore French and Russian interpretations of the event’s significance both in the immediate aftermath and in the decades leading up to World War I.



The Public Image of Eastern Orthodoxy: France and Russia, 1848-1870 (Northern Illinois University Press, an imprint of Cornell UP, 2020).

Orthodoxy, Modernity, and Authenticity: The Reception of Ernest Renan’s “Life of Jesus” in Russia (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008).


“Eastern Orthodox Christianity,” Handbook of Religious Culture in Nineteenth-Century Europe, eds. Anthony J. Steinhoff and Jeffrey T. Zalar (Forthcoming, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024).

“Anti-Russian-Orthodox Discourses in the Trial of Anton Berezowski,”Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies (forthcoming in 2024).

“‘The churches that call themselves orthodox’: Nomenclature for Russian Orthodoxy in Nineteenth-Century France,” Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies 2, no. 2 (2019): 149-77.

“Roman Catholic Polemicists, Russian Orthodox Publicists, and the Tsar-Pope Myth in France, 1842-1862,” Canadian-American Slavic Studies 53 (2019): 263–285.

“A Russian Spectacle in Paris.” St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 61, no. 2 (2017).

“Russian Interpretations of Ernest Renan’s Life of Jesus.” Thresholds into the Orthodox Commonwealth: Essays in Honor of Theofanis G. Stavrou, 147-55. Slavica Publishers, 2017.