Website editors can gain access to become publishers after they meet the have successfully completed the following criteria:

  • At least 20 website updates to the 'Needs Review' queue without error.
  • Passes the Mandatory Bi-Annual Publisher Training Quiz with at least 90% or higher.

After you take the quiz we will reach out to schedule publisher training with the Web & Digital Strategy (WDS) team.

It is crucial to note that publisher access is contingent upon ongoing compliance with the Content Review Guidelines. Failure to adhere to these guidelines, particularly in terms of accessibility standards, or engaging in repeated copyright infringements, can have serious legal ramifications. In instances of persistent non-compliance, the WDS reserves the right to withdraw publisher privileges.

If publishers are found to publish content that is inaccessible, their permissions will be changed to editor following the 2nd infraction. However, in order to adhere to the new compliance requirements by the Department of Justice, any infraction found after June 24, 2025 will result in automatic loss of publishing permissions.

For more information visit the Website Management and Workflows page.