
This policy applies to all visitors and participants at events held at the UIS Performing Arts Center, including performances, lectures, meetings, receptions, and other activities. In addition to the behaviors listed below, the management of the UIS Performing Arts Center and University of Illinois Springfield retains the right to address any participant conduct it deems is unsafe or negatively affecting the enjoyment and/or participation of others. Management also reserves the right to change or modify this policy at any time without notice. The terms visitors and participants are used interchangeably in this policy.


The University of Illinois Springfield is committed to ensuring all visitors and participants at the UIS Performing Arts Center have a positive and safe experience. To that end, we are establishing the following requirements for personal conduct.

Statement of Policy:

All participants are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not interfere with other participant’s enjoyment or participation in the event. Conduct must not compromise the security and well-being of the participant or another person, nor should it result in or have the potential to result in damage to property.


Specifically Prohibited Conduct at the UIS Performing Arts Center:

  1. Disruptive Behavior: Participants may not disrupt, interfere with, or prevent (a) the orderly conduct of a function or activity, including, but not limited to, classes and other instructional activities; research; study; lectures; presentations; performances; meetings; interviews; administrative business; ceremonies; or other public events; or (b) access to any room or space in which such functions or activities are being held.
  2. Noise: Participants must maintain a low noise level at events so as not to disturb others. Examples include but are not limited to loud talking, singing along with a performance when not invited to do so by the performer, or other disruptive noises.
  3. Use of Mobile & Electronic Devices: Patrons should silence or turn off mobile and electronic devices during performances and events. The use of such devices in a manner that disrupts a performance/event or disturbs others is prohibited.
  4. Photography & Recording:  Unless specifically permitted at an event, photography and audio and/or video recording of performances is prohibited. When photography or audio/video recording is permitted, it must not be done in a manner which does not interfere with other participants’ enjoyment of, or participation in, the event. Examples of potentially disruptive behavior include standing in aisles, obstructing the view of others, distracting light emanating from cell phone screens, excessive clicking of camera shutters, etc. The use of camera tripods, selfie sticks, or similar items is also prohibited without prior authorization from the management of the UIS Performing Arts Center.
  5. Food and Drink: Bringing in outside food or beverages, other than bottled water or infant formula, is prohibited.
  6. Cannabis, Tobacco, Vaping: Use of cannabis, tobacco, or vape products in any form on campus is prohibited.
  7. Movement and Dancing: Unless invited or encouraged by the performer or event leader, patrons should remain seated during performances. Standing, dancing, or moving in a way that obstructs the view or disrupts the experience for others is not permitted.
  8. Blocking Aisles: Aisles are emergency exit paths and must remain clear at all times. Sitting in the aisles is not permitted. Personal items, including mobility aids, are not permitted to be stored in aisles or exit paths.
  9. Obstructive View: Intentionally obstructing other’s view of the performance is prohibited.
  10. Verbal or Physical Threats: Any active violence, threat, and/or harassment against any person is prohibited. This includes verbal or physical indications/threats of potential violence.
  11. Throwing Items: Throwing items onto the stage or at speakers, performers, or other people is prohibited.
  12. Unauthorized Stage and Backstage Access: Any attempt to go onto the stage or into the performance area, including backstage areas, without proper authorization is prohibited.
  13. Failure to Follow Instructions: All event participants are expected to follow the instructions of UIS Performing Arts Center staff and event volunteers.
  14. Other UIS Policies or Performer Requirements: In addition to following this policy, all participants shall follow and abide by all other relevant UIS policies.


Individuals with disabilities preventing compliance with the above list of prohibitive conduct may seek reasonable accommodations by contacting a staff member of the UIS Performing Arts Center.


When a violation of this policy occurs, staff are expected to take the following steps.


  1. Warning: Staff members or volunteers give a verbal warning to patrons engaging in disruptive behavior.
  2. Second Warning: A second warning will result in staff asking the patron to leave the performance space temporarily to discuss the issue.
  3. Ejection: Staff may consider ejection from the UIS Performing Arts Center without a refund for patrons failing to comply with this policy after multiple warnings. Especially egregious behavior may result in staff issuing a notice of trespass.

Immediate Ejection from Event

The UIS Performing Arts Center and University of Illinois Springfield reserve the right to bypass any warnings listed above and immediately remove a patron from the UIS Performing Arts Center and/or campus. Specifically, illegal activity, such as attempting to enter into restricted areas including onto the stage and into backstage areas without authorization, or conduct that puts a participant’s safety at risk or has the potential to put other’s safety at risk, will result in immediate removal from the facility and may result in arrest or criminal charges. 

Enforcement of this Policy

Volunteers of the UIS Performing Arts Center: A volunteer’s primary duty related to this policy is to monitor the behavior of visitors and participants and to politely inform them about this policy as needed (i.e., issuing a “Warning”). If a person remains noncompliant with this policy after the warning, the volunteer shall notify the appropriate staff member on duty to resolve the situation. It is not the duty of a volunteer to discuss or debate the policy. Volunteers shall not physically touch a participant, nor order them to leave an event.

Staff of the UIS Performing Arts Center: Staff members have the authority to issue “Warnings” and “Second Warnings” to non-compliant participants. This includes having detailed conversations with the participant about the policy and/or instructing the person to leave the immediate event area to allow for further discussion. Staff also have the authority to verbally request a participant leave the UIS Performing Arts Center. Staff shall not physically touch a participant, nor use force to remove them from an event. Rather, staff shall contact UIS Police for assistance.

UIS Police: UIS Police shall be contacted to intervene in cases of illegal activity, active or potential acts of violence, public safety issues, staff requests to eject a participant from the premises, and all instances requiring police services.

Policy Level
Approval Date
Effective Date
Responsible Unit