The UIS Astronomy-Physics program will host a Star Party the UIS Campus Observatory on April 19, 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.
The UIS Campus Observatory is on the roof of Brookens Library, accessible through a door labeled "Observatory" on the southeast corner of the building. If you are at the front of the library facing the UIS Fountain and Sangamon Auditorium, put your left hand on the wall of the library building and walk about a third of the way around the outside of the building to the Observatory entrance. Be prepared for four flights of stairs to reach the observatory on the roof.
The event is weather dependent and may be called for clouds or rain. Call 217/206-8342 on the evening of the event or check our Twitter feed (@UISObservatory) or Dr Martin's Instagram for weather information.
This Star Party is free and open for everyone. Guests will be admitted on a first come first serve basis.