Peter Boltuc
Mathematical Sciences and Philosophy
Discovery Partners Institute
DPI Affiliate
Area of Specialization

Team member::SIMULI.AI. An eight member AGI research team, lead by Rachel St. Clair; Ben Goertzel; Binoy Sayed; members include L. Andrew Coward and Peter Sutor Jul.2023 - ongoing  

Primary Investigator, US DoD, Army Research Lab, Philosophy of Visual Processing administered through UIS Sept. 2017- Sept.2019

Office Location
University Hall
Phone Number

SPECIALIZATION: philosophy of AI; machine consciousness

COMPETENCE: philosophy of mind, applied ethics (computer, business, healthcare, environmental), political philosophy, social capital; managemenr theory at the age of AI

SPECIAL INTEREST: cognitive science; e-learning; Artificial General Intelligence

The Louise Hartman Schewe and Karl Schewe Endowed Professor in Liberal Arts and Sciences, a three-year endowed professorship, University of Illinois, Springfield 2013 – 2016

Outstanding Service to the University of Illinois Senates Conference, Urbana-Champaign, 2017

Erskine Professor of Philosophy, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ, June-August 2016

Visiting Fellow, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, June-August 2014

Faculty Excellence Award, University of Illinois Springfield, 2011

Academic Leadership Training, University of Illinois Springfield, Fall 2011 

Board Member, African American History Museum of Springfield IL, 2003-2014

Member, Committee on Ethics and Human Values at the Memorial Medical Center, Springfield Illinois 1999-2002

Princeton University, Department of Philosophy Fulbright Graduate Fellow, 1991-92

Oxford University, St. Johns’ College, SCR member, Soros, Faculty Fellow, June-July 1988


Computation in Neural Systems, Taylor & Francis, Board of Associate Editors, 2021 – present

Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness, 2020  board memberongoing  

APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, Editor, 2007- 2020

E-Mentor, board member, Warsaw School of Economics, 2004 – ongoing

International Journal of Machine Consciousness, World Scientific, co-editor NY, 2009 – 2014

Polish Journal of Philosophy, board member, 2007 – ongoing

Philosophies; MDPI board member, 2016 – ongoing

Humanities, MDPI board member, 2012 – ongoing 

Information, MDPI board member, 2010 – ongoing

Philosophy and Science, Polish Academy of Science, 2009– ongoing

Dialogue and Universalism, international co-editor, 2001, consulting editor - ongoing,



  1. ”Alien Versus Natural-Like Artificial General Intelligences” H. Shneider; P..Boltuc: Artificial General Intelligence: proceedings 16th International Conference, AGI 2023, Stockholm, Sweden, June 16–19, 2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series 2023 Pages 233–243
  2. “Industry 5.0: Theoretical Limitations and Ethical Chances” in. J Wielgorska-Leszczynska; M. Matusewicz: 30 Years in the Social Sciences. New Thoughts and Ideas; SGH Press, Warsaw Poland 2023 p.55-74
  3. "Moral Space for Paraconsistent AGI", in Ben Goertzel, Matthew Ikle, Denis Ponomaryov, Alexey Potapov. Artificial General Intelligence Chapter 16 series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 13539, Springer Science, Switzerland p 83-97; 2022
  4. “The Fourth Space in the Fourth Revolution” In: Felix Francisco Ramos Corchado and Alexei V. Samsonovich (Eds.). 2022 Annual International Conference on Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures for Artificial Intelligence: The 13th Annual Meeting of the BICA Society. Procedia Computer Science, Volume 213C, Pages p. 89-95. 2022. ISSN: 1877-0509 Nov. 2022
  5. “Non-Reductive Physicalism for AGI” Filozofia i Nauka 10 June 2022 p. 33-48
  6. “Philosophy and Computing Conference at IS4SI 2021” From the Editor Proceedings 2022, 81(1), 149;
  7. “The Fourth Space as Reality” Proceedings MDPI June 2022, 81(1), 151;
  8. “Uncanny Robots of Perfection” (with Thomas P. Connelly), in: (Gudwin R. et al) Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures for Artificial Intelligence: BICA*AI 2020, Springer Science, p. 56-68, 2021
  9. “BICA for AGI” (with M. I. Boltuc) Cognitive Systems Research vol 62 (August 2020), p. 57-67 []
  10. “Conscious AI at the Edge of Chaos” Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness Volume 07, Issue 01 (March 2020) p. 25-38
  11. “Consciousness for AGI” Procedia Computer Science (2019) Postproceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, BICA 2019 (Tenth Annual Meeting of the BICA Society), ed. by A.V. Samsonovich and V.V. Klimov. Procedia Computer Science, 2020, pp. 349-356. ISSN 1877-0509
  12. “Semantics beyond Language” (with M. I. Boltuc) in: Samsonovich A. V. (ed.) Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2019 in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 948; Springer Science 2020 p. 36-47
  13. “Subject is no Object” in: M. Burgin; Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic (eds) Epistemic Basis of Information, Philosophy of Information, World Scientific 2019 p. 3-39
  14. “AI Consciousness” in (ed.) A. Chella, TOCAIS 2019 Towards Conscious AI Systems, AAAI CEUR Springer, 2019 [] 1-8 (no generalized page numbers)
  15. “Identity Translation” in L. Harmon (ed.) Identity in Translation, Peter Lang (2019) p. 79-91
  16. “BICA a Rebours” in: A.V. Samsonovich (ed.) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, Springer Aug. 2018 p. 27-43
  17. Strong Semantic Computing, Procedia Computer Science 123 Feb. 2018 p. 98–103 []
  18. “Cognitive Agents: Is There a Moral Gap Between Human and Artificial Intelligence?” in Tzfestas S. (ed.) Information, Communication and Automation Technology Ethics in the Knowledge Society. NOVA Science Publishers 2018.
  19. “Church-Turing Lovers.” In: Robot Ethics 2.0: From Autonomous Cars to Artificial Intelligence; Lin, P., Abney, K., Jenkins, R., Eds.; Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, 2017; p. 214–228
  20. "The Power of Online Education” in: (Zacher, L. ed.) Potentials and Power Relations in Digitized Society (Pol.) Poltext, Warsaw Jan. 2018
  21. “Metacomputable”, Entropy, Oct. 2017 [

Conference Chair, Philosophy and Computing; Virtual Conference on Zoom, 12-19 September h2021, contributing to the 2021 Summit of the International Society for the Study of Information (IS4SI) administered from Japan in collaboration with Zoom administered through AGI Laboratory /Uplift/, USA. Organized by: Association on Philosophy and Computing (APC) affiliate of the APA; PHAEDE Philosophy of Engineering and Artifact in the Digital Era); philosophy interest group within BICA; Philosophy and Science PAN (journal of the Polish Academy of Science)

Coordinating committee member; Association for Philosophy and Computing (APC), 2020 - ongoing

Chair Committee on Philosophy and Computers, American Philosophical Association, 2019-20



  1. “AI2AGI: Socio-economic, Legal, and Humanistic ramifications” Simuli: Towards Safe AGI, expert forum: Invited Talk, Oct 14-17, 2023 Eugene OR, Mount Tom House
  2. “Alien Versus Natural-Like Artificial General Intelligences” (with Howard Schneider), 2023 AGI congress, June 16-18 Stockhom, Sweden
  3. European Academy of Management; EURAM 2023 Transforming Business for Good: Lab for Ph.D. students, with Daniel Hardegger and two others “DISCOVERING THE ‘4TH SPACE’: IDENTIFYING RESEARCHABLE TOPICS ON THE HYBRID SOCIETY AND HYBRID COMMUNITIES” June 13, 2023 Trinity College of Business, Dublin, Ireland
  4. “Deflationary nonreductive physicalism. May awareness be 'creature consciousness', and may AIs have it?” The Science of Consciousness 2023, May 23-37 Taormina, Sicily
  5. “Beyond Digital Transformation 4.0. AI, New Applications and Opportunities" Inaugural Speech, Abu Dhabi Technology Week UAE University, Computer Technology, Business and Economics Departments Feb. 01, 2023
  6. “Beyond Industry 4.0, but not very far.” Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA-2022) #165 Guadalajara, Mexico September 22-25 (plenary panel)

Teaching Advanced Classes on AI: 

Erskine Fellow, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ: offering MA/Ph.D seminar in AI Consciousness July-August 2022l; June-July 2016

UIS: PHI/CSC470- Philosophy of AI (Fall 2018-2022)

UIS: PHI460 Philosophy of Digital Transformation Summer 2023

SGH: AI: Values and Strategies Summer 2022

SGH: Digital Transformation, Winter 2021

UIS: Ethics for IT Professionals, 2018

Poznan University: Visiting senior professor’s Ph.D. Seminar: Consciousness Studies, 2014

UIUC School of Engineering, Computer Ethics (guest teaching in Keith Miller’s class), Spring 2013