Students at UIS (undergraduate juniors and seniors) complete an internship while concurrently enrolled in a course to earn academic credit required for graduation.
Thank you for considering partnering with UIS to provide an internship for undergraduate students. Please review this informative document about hosting an intern: Employer Info. Additionally, you might also take a look at a Model Job Description.
If you would like to submit an internship position to promote to UIS students, please complete the online Employer Internship Inquiry form.
If you have any questions, please email ipl@uis.edu.
Employer inquiries:
Please complete the online Employer Internship Inquiry form.
ICWS Grant 2023-2024 Announcement
IPL at UIS received $50,000.00 in grant funding from the state of Illinois to help off-set the cost of paid internships. Check out our grant partnerships page for further details.
Benefits of an internship program
When UIS students intern at a business or organization, they bring knowledge from academic coursework, enthusiasm, innovative ideas, and creativity. The academic majors from which the students are drawn include:
- Accounting
- Biology
- Business Administration
- Chemistry
- Communication
- Computer science
- Criminology & Criminal Justice
- Economics
- English
- Environmental Studies
- Exercise Science
- Finance
- Global Studies
- History
- Legal Studies
- Liberal Studies
- Management
- Management Information Systems
- Marketing
- Math
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Public Administration
- Psychology
- Sociology/Anthropology
- Visual Arts
When hosting an intern, employers may benefit in the following areas:
Quality Work — Provides the opportunity for employers to have a qualified college student assist with daily operations, special projects, or assignments.
Recruitment and Development — Serves as an avenue for recruitment of well-qualified employees; retaining well-qualified employees also strengthens the regional talent pool.
Two-way Learning and the UIS Connection — Promotes learning for both the employer and the student interns and strengthens the employer connection to the UIS community.
Recruiting for additional employment opportunities
Employers can also create an account with the UIS Career Development Center, via CareerConnect, and post positions and internships that may appeal to students who do not wish to earn academic credit. For assistance posting positions, email employerrelations@uis.edu.
Current Employers
Need to update your internship position?
If you have an existing internship position listed with UIS and would like to update the description or contact information, please contact the Internships & Prior Learning Office at (217) 206-6640 or ipl@uis.edu.
Currently hosting a student intern?
Thank you for providing an important opportunity to a UIS student. If you have any questions or concerns during the internship, please contact the Internships & Prior Learning Office: (217) 206-6640 or ipl@uis.edu.
As the field supervisor will be asked to complete an online field supervisor evaluation for your current student intern. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. The evaluation link will be emailed to you before the end of the semester.
Want to provide an internship opportunity for a current employee?
UIS students who wish to complete an internship at their current place of employment may do so, pending approval from his/her academic department. In such situations, for a student to earn academic credit for an internship, the following guidelines are suggested:
- The student’s job or position relates to his/her academic major.
- The student will be working in a new position OR the student will be assigned new duties, projects, responsibilities, etc. that will provide a learning experience for the student throughout the course of the academic semester.
- The student has a work supervisor who is willing to supervise the work completed for the credit-bearing internship, participate in a midterm conference (in-person or via conference call) with a UIS faculty member, and fill out an evaluation of the student’s work at the end of the academic semester.
The student will complete a document for course approval and obtain the work supervisor’s signature. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with his/her course instructor and to complete all internship requirements. For more information, please contact us at (217) 206-6640 or ipl@uis.edu.
Community Partners
Service-Learning courses are great ways to introduce new opportunities to students, faculty and the local community. These opportunities provide benefits to all parties involved by giving students a new avenue of learning, giving faculty a new way of teaching, and giving communities the support and assistance they need of a local university.
Community Benefits
- Provides meaningful services to the community; helps meet unmet needs
- Increases student awareness of community issues, agencies and constituents
- Adds youth and enthusiasm to a service program/project
Short- and long-term solutions to pressing community needs. “It shifts from community as laboratory to community as classroom” - Provides an opportunity for a community to shape students’values and to prepare students for community participation after college
- Builds community awareness of college programs and services, and gives community agencies access to university resources
- Exposes and teaches communities about emerging generations of students