Advancing Knowledge, Generating Solutions
CPAE faculty and students advance the public affairs, education, and communication disciplines with strong, methodologically rigorous fundamental and applied research.
We publish research, lead projects, evaluate programs, and partner with practitioners and the community to address complex issues affecting Illinois, the nation, and the world.
Learn more about our partnerships & affiliations, and funded projects below.
Over 400
Faculty Publications
Refereed Journal Articles & Books
$7+ Million
in Research Funding & Contracts Awarded since 2019
Partnerships and Affiliations
As a college, we further our mission to advance public discourse, influence public policy, and serve the community through several vital partnerships and affiliations.

The Center for State Policy & Leadership's mission is carried out through research that informs public decisions and understanding; internships, training programs, and applied problem solving that strengthens public leadership; and journalism that educates and engages citizens in public affairs.

The Institute for Illinois Public Finance was created in 2018 to be non-partisan, unbiased, and high-quality academic and applied research on issues that impact Illinois public finance, intending to improve the fiscal situation of the state’s governments.

The Illinois Municipal Policy Journal is a collaboration of the Illinois Municipal League and the College of Public Affairs and Education at the University of Illinois at Springfield. Its goal is to provide municipal and state leaders with research-based analysis, best practices, and recommendations related to critical issues in public administration, public policy, and public finance to help guide policy decisions.

The Child Protection Training Academy on the UIS campus is the first statewide simulation training project in the country that provides a child protection training laboratory for frontline professionals and students.

The UIS Alliance for Experiential Problem-Based Learning, established in June 2021, combines evidence-based practices within a simulation environment for addressing complex, multi-layered problems.
For more information, contact Betsy Goulet at 217-206-8523 or