Interview and Portfolio Process

The Interview and Portfolio for the Principal and Superintendent endorsements are a requirement by ISBE. Please review the process for the interview and submitting your portfolio.


The interview is conducted in a face-to-face format (currently via zoom due to COVID-19) with faculty from the department during your first semester. This process lasts 30-minutes and is a way for the faculty to get to know you better on your way into our program. This portion is conducted in a casual way and is as simple as possible.

Emails will be sent out by our Office Support Specialist or Graduate Assistant to each new endorsement candidate with information on the available dates for the interview.

Please review the proper interview rubric prior to your interview.


The portfolio should be submitted to either our Office Support Specialist or Graduate Assistant a week prior to your interview. This allows the faculty conducting your interview to review your portfolio before meeting with you. This is so the interview process can run as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Please review the proper portfolio rubric and submit this a week prior or sooner to your interview date.