The School of Education offers Post Baccalaureate licensure programs at the Elementary, Middle, and Secondary levels.
Questions about licensure?
Erin Sotelo
Licensure Officer
Types of Licenses
Professional Educator License (PEL) - This is the initial teaching license. A PEL requires student teaching.
Subsequent Endorsements (SE) - Subsequent endorsements are optional. They are added to a PEL to expand the level and/or content in which you’re licensed to teach. An SE usually requires fewer content-specific credit hours.
Both the PEL and an SE require:
- Passing a content test (there are a few exceptions to this!)
- Specific coursework
A PEL requires student teaching.
SE's usually require fewer content-specific credit hours.
Professional Educator License (PEL)
For a PEL, students choose one level and (if applicable) one content area. UIS offers the following:
- Elementary Education (Grades 1-6, self-contained classrooms)
- Middle Grades (Grades 5-8)
Content options: English, Math, General Science, Social Science - Secondary (Grades 9-12)
Content options: English, History, Sociology/Anthropology, Political Science, Math, Biology, Chemistry
It’s recommended that you work closely with your academic advisor for course planning. See the advising section of the handbook for more information.
Subsequent Endorsements
The PEL serves as a foundation to which subsequent endorsements can be added.
- Subsequent endorsements are not required. They are optional.
- Subsequent endorsements can be added at any grade level. They do not have to be the same grade range as the PEL.
- Specific requirements can be found on the ISBE website.
Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS)
To apply for a teaching license, you must have an ELIS account created with the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). Creating an ELIS account is a requirement of TEP 301: Induction into Teacher Education.
If you have forgotten your login name or password, you can recover your credentials on the ISBE website.
If you continue to have trouble accessing your ELIS account, submit an ISBE Feedback Form. for further assistance from ISBE staff.
Planning to teach outside of Illinois?
Generally, other states require the completion of specific documentation regarding your program and license. If this is the case in the state where you’re planning to teach, email a copy of the state’s form to the Licensure Officer -
- Complete your personal information first.
- Include your IEIN in your request.
Once received, the Licensure Officer will:
- Confirm your credentials in our records and ELIS and add them to the form.
- Return the completed document to you to submit to the state board.
Paths to Licensure
Minor in Secondary Education
The Department of Teacher Education at UIS offers a minor in education that leads to licensure at the secondary level when combined with an appropriate academic major, fulfillment of general education requirements, and fulfillment of campus requirements. Candidates seeking a bachelor’s degree and a minor secondary licensure should expect that their total program of study can usually be completed within the four year time frame but may exceed the minimum number of hours required for graduation. Secondary education candidates may major in one of several programs leading to licensure in the areas of English, mathematics, science, or social science. The Initial Program Adviser can recommend appropriate majors. (See Curriculum for the Secondary Minor in Teacher Education for further information.)
Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Licensure
The program is also open to those who already hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university in the United States and wish to enter the field of teaching. To obtain elementary or secondary licensure, candidates must meet all TEP Entrance Requirements and fulfill the same sequence of courses that candidates seeking the major in elementary or minor in secondary education are required to complete. Candidates seeking licensure in secondary education may also have their transcripts reviewed by faculty in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to determine if and what additional course work must be completed before a recommendation for licensure can be made. Assuming that all prerequisites are met, candidates can expect to spend a minimum of four semesters completing licensure requirements.
Post-Baccalaureate Course Requirements
Subsequent Teaching Licensure
Teachers who have received their licensure through programs in the Department of Teacher Education at UIS may earn additional / subsequent licenses in Elementary Education or Secondary English, mathematics, science (biology or chemistry), or social studies (history, political science, or sociology / anthropology). Teachers interested in subsequent licenses should email the School of Education: