AY 24-25 Call for Proposals
We are pleased to announce the availability again this year of limited one-time (non-recurring) funds to support implementation of Good Ideas from UIS staff and faculty that will help make a positive difference for the University. A wide range of ideas will be considered with the goal to fund projects with broad impact to UIS.
Requests up to $5,000 will be considered, and smaller requests are also welcome. Identified matching funds are also welcome, but not required. The Provost Leadership Team (PLT) will prioritize the allocation of funds.
Applications submitted by October 1 will be considered, and decisions will be announced by October 15. All funds must be expended in the current fiscal year, and a final report from awardees is due no later than July 15, 2025.
Funded Proposals - AY 23-24
Of 19 proposals received in Fall 2023, 13 were awarded full or partial funding. Brief descriptions of funded proposals and project outcomes are included in the accordion menu below.
GIF-01 Data Analytics (Ellie Buxton, CSC)
Proposal: Computer Science and Math faculty will recruit and mentor six undergraduate and graduate Computer Science and Data Analytics students to obtain real-world work experience by completing AI/Data Analytics projects to automate processes in HR, Facilities, and Performing Arts.
Amount funded: $4,956
Outcomes: Students created a web app for HR chatbot (almost complete), began projects for several other units, and presented at UIS STARs.
GIF-02 Blue Friday (Ann Comerford, VCSA)
Proposal: Student Affairs (also providing matching funds) will take the lead in ordering and distributing shirts and other UIS gear to create a greater sense of belonging and pride for current and prospective members of the UIS community as we proudly wear our blue on Fridays.
Amount funded: $3,000
Outcomes: Ordered 600 navy UIS shirts; distributed 75% through Student Union and athletics events.
GIF-03 Black Springfield Conference (Lesa Johnson, SOA)
Proposal: Host a day-long conference that will bring leaders in key areas of the Springfield Black community to the UIS campus and contribute to the university’s efforts to move forward on equity and issues of belonging, creating space for our students to actively engage with community leaders from a historically disenfranchised and minoritized racial/ethnic group
Amount funded: $5,000
Outcomes: Launched participatory action/community research project “Unveiling Black Springfield: Exploring Historical Roots and Present Realities,” completed ECCE speaker series on 1908 race riot descendants, secured $30,000 grant-funded project “Journeys to Justice: Reckoning with Illinois’ History and Legacy of Anti-Black Terror.”
GIF-04 UIS/CC Summer Research (Noah Reynolds, ISP-BIO)
Proposal: UIS Life Sciences faculty will offer a summer pilot research program to recruit talented Lincoln Land Community College students to the life sciences. Students will receive training in research ethics, safety, and basic research techniques before engaging in laboratory research with UIS faculty.
Amount funded: $5,000
Outcomes: Successful pilot program with Lincoln Land Community College. Students gained laboratory skills, developed research projects, and presented findings. Two participating students are enrolling at UIS in Fall 2024; one enrolling at UIUC in neuroscience; one continuing at LLCC with plans for UIS enrollment.
GIF-07 Finance Job Shadowing (Serkan Karadas, AEF)
Proposal: Accounting, Economics and Finance faculty and staff from the Office of Engaged Learning will create experiential learning opportunities for students by identifying industry partners and pairing five UIS students with finance industry professionals in this pilot job shadowing experience.
Amount funded: $3,750
Outcomes: Three students successfully completed professional development and job shadowing. The program was highly effective in equipping students with soft and hard skills in finance and helping them build connections with finance professionals.
GIF-08 Marketing Study Abroad (Peter Shapinsky, HIS)
Proposal: Study Away faculty will partner with Marketing on a campaign to raise awareness and help more students perceive study away as possible, keeping their focus on completing the several steps necessary to enroll, receive funding, and complete the impactful experience.
Amount funded: $4,860
Outcomes: Digital and internal marketing campaigns increased awareness and interest; metrics demonstrated increased website access and engagement.
GIF-09 New Music Springfield (Yona Stamatis, AMT)
Proposal: Music faculty will pilot a program of experimental, avant-garde, and contemporary music. The inclusive program will highlight composers and performers from groups historically excluded from the world of concert music and include performers from UIS and the surrounding community as well as reaching out to local public schools.
Amount funded: $5,000
Outcomes: Presented two concerts, created new-music program and ensemble. Positive audience and performer feedback.
GIF-10 Opportunities to Engage (Robin Vansacik for APAC/CSAC)
Proposal: APAC and CSAC will partner to foster a stronger sense of community and a positive, inclusive, collaborative working environment among UIS employees by creating opportunities for engagement, enrichment, and entertainment on and off campus.
Amount funded: $3,000
Outcomes: Organized employee engagement events.
GIF-12 Prairie Stars Finals (Ashley Hall, Student Union)
Proposal: Student Union staff will provide students with most-requested school supplies from the UIS CARES Supply Stop leading up to finals week. Kits will also include information about Union extended hours for finals week and other resources that will help students de-stress during finals.
Amount funded: $400
Outcomes: Prepared and distributed 200 student success kits in fall and 140 in spring for finals week.
GIF-13 Psychology PIE Table (Dylan Blaum, PSY)
Proposal: The Psychology Department and Psychology Club will offer an assortment of quick psychology activities to engage current and prospective students during the semester and Open House days. This hands-on experience with psychological principles will highlight our fun and welcoming campus where students can engage in hands-on and active learning experiences.
Amount funded: $1,000
Outcomes: Participated at four recruitment events and engaged students in demonstrations.
GIF-15 Stand-up Paddleboards (SUPs) (James Koeppe, Campus Rec)
Proposal: TRAC will provide students from rural and urban backgrounds the opportunity to explore recreation on the water, in addition to current offerings of canoe and kayak trips. Stand Up Paddleboards (SUPs) will offer another great way to explore Lake Springfield and Sugar Creek, providing students with an additional healthy outdoor outlet from their academics and a break from technology.
Amount funded: $4,000
Outcomes: Purchased six commercial-quality stand-up paddleboards for summer/fall use.
GIF-17 UIS Parent Closet (Stacey Gilmore, Day Care Center)
Proposal: The Cox Children’s Center will partner with several other UIS units to launch a Parent Closet to support student-parents and encourage retention and recruitment by providing necessities such as diapers, wipes, formula, baby food, children's clothing, children's books and toys, and more.
Amount funded: $2,846
Outcomes: Unable to complete project; space could not be secured.
GIF-18 Orion Lab Upgrades (Joshua Smith, CSC)
Proposal: The addition of three large format 3D printers and a CO2 Laser Engraver will provide Orion Lab learners with more reliable access to newer and different machines so they can express their ideas more quickly with shorter wait times. A community outreach program that will teach rapid prototyping is also planned.
Amount funded: $3,959
Outcomes: Purchased three 3D printers and a Laser Engraver, increasing lab presence. Increased filament usage from 3 to 12-15 rolls per month.