SGA Bylaws

Article I: Constitution

Section 1.

Those duties and powers assigned to the SGA and its officers in the Constitution are considered as implied under these bylaws.

Section 2.

When judging any discrepancies between the Constitution and the Bylaws, the Constitution shall be considered authoritative over these Bylaws.

Section 3.

For the purpose of resolution of any conflicts between the Constitution and Bylaws, the Bylaws shall be utilized to interpret language contained within the Constitution.

Section 4.

In the event that the Constitution is amended, the Parliamentarian shall, at the next scheduled meeting of the Student Government Association, provide an interpretation of the Constitutional Amendment and an opinion to the Student Government Association as to whether the Constitutional Amendment necessitates the amendment of the Bylaws.

Section 5.

In the event that the Parliamentarian determines such an amendment should be made, the Parliamentarian shall propose such an amendment to the Bylaws, in accordance with the procedure established herein for the amendment of same.

Article II: Duties of Office

Section 1. President

Clause A.

As the Chief Executive Officer of the SGA, the President will be responsible for the day-to-day maintenance of the SGA.

Clause B.

The President will email a complete agenda to the SGA at-large no later than twenty-four (24) hours before a regularly scheduled meeting.

Clause C.

The President can delegate duties to members as he/she sees fit, provided the duty does not conflict with any provision in the Constitution or Bylaws.

Clause D.

The President shall maintain, throughout the course of the academic year, an electronic archive of documents pertaining to the administration of the SGA. At the end of the President’s term, this archive will be given to the new incoming SGA President.

Clause E.

The President shall be responsible for ensuring that all UIS students are able to speak at the SGA meetings.

Clause F.

Whenever a resolution passes, the President will sign the resolution signifying that the resolution has passed with the majority needed.

Clause G.

The President will serve as, or nominate, a representative to the Illinois Board of Higher Education Student Advisory Council.

Clause H.

The President, in consultation with the Student Government Association advisor, may hire a Staff Position for a Web and Social Media Manager for the Student Government Association. This position will be hired through the Office of Student Life. At the first meeting of each academic year, the President shall request the funds necessary for the hiring of this position from the Student Government Association.


If the Web and Social Media Manager is not meeting the necessary requirements the President, with 2/3 majority vote approval from the executive board and in consultation with the Student Government Advisor, shall reserve the right to terminate the current worker and seek a replacement for the position.

Clause I.

The President will serve on campus senate and will nominate SGA members to Campus Senate before the third Senate meeting of the academic year.

Section 2. Internal Vice-President

Clause A.

If the Internal Vice-President, acting on behalf of the President, calls a special meeting of the SGA, he/she will inform the members of SGA within twenty-four (24) hours of a meeting place and time. The items to be discussed at the special meeting will have been determined by the President before the meeting.

Clause B.

The Internal Vice-President will submit a Committee Report given to SGA at-large at least two (2) regularly scheduled meetings before the end of the academic year.

Clause C.

The Internal Vice-President will manage senators to Campus Senate and SGA committees with consideration for senator’s preferences, experience, and scheduling before the third Senate meeting of the academic year.

Clause D.

On behalf of the Student Government Association, the Internal Vice-President shall organize public forums twice per semester. These forums must be open to all students and be held in a public location on campus. The Internal Vice-President shall ensure that all members of the Student Government Association attend at least one forum per semester.

Section 3. External Vice-President

Clause A.

The External Vice-President shall possess a non-binding advisory vote.

Clause B.

In the absence of the Internal Vice-President, the External Vice-President, acting on behalf of the President, can call a special meeting of the SGA in accordance with the above stated regulations (Article II, Section 2, Clause A).

Section 4. Treasurer

Clause A.

Upon the request of any member of SGA, the Treasurer will provide a report of the SGA’s current finances to the SGA at-large at its next meeting. This report will be placed in an online report prior to it being presented to the SGA at-large.

Clause B.

The Treasurer will submit to the President a total list of income and payments made by the SGA over the course of the course of the academic year. The President will then place this report in the electronic archive.

Clause C.

Any resolution regarding budgetary or monetary issues of the SGA will be signed by the Treasurer, upon adoption by the SGA at-large.

Section 5. Secretary

Clause A.

The Secretary must complete the minutes of a given meeting within three (3) weeks after the meeting took place. After the minutes are approved, they will be placed on the SGA website as soon as possible.

Clause B.

The Secretary, throughout the course of the academic year, will compile an electronic archive of the SGA’s minutes, agendas and correspondences. At the end of the Secretary’s term, this archive will be given to the new incoming Secretary.

Clause C.

All correspondence to the Executive Committee or the SGA at-large will be distributed within twenty-four (24) hours of its receipt by the Secretary.

Clause D.

When a resolution passes, the Secretary will sign the resolution signifying that the resolution has been entered into the archives.

Section 6. Parliamentarian

Clause A.

The Parliamentarian shall have a non-binding, advisory vote on the SGA at-large.

Clause B.

The Parliamentarian shall serve as the Chair of the Constitution and Rules Committee, where he/she will possess a binding vote.

Clause C.

The Parliamentarian shall act as the chief interpreter of the Constitution and Bylaws, subject to a 2/3 veto of the SGA at-large.

Clause D.

As the keeper of the SGA Constitution and Bylaws, the Parliamentarian shall be responsible for enforcing the Constitution, Bylaws, Resolutions, and Executive Orders.

Clause E.

The Parliamentarian shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member to all committees for the sole purpose to advise the members on Parliamentary Procedure, the SGA Constitution, and SGA Bylaws.

Clause F.

The Parliamentarian may review committee bylaws to ensure that they are in compliance with the SGA Constitution.


If a committee’s bylaws are not in compliance with the SGA Constitution, the Parliamentarian will make recommendations to the committee to correct the discrepancy.

Section 7. Student Trustee to the University of Illinois Board of Trustees

Clause A.

The Student Trustee to the University of Illinois Board of Trustees (hereafter referred to as “Trustee”) shall report to the SGA during its meetings on the work of the Board of Trustees.

Clause B.

Those duties not stated in the SGA Constitution or Bylaws pertaining to the Trustee shall be governed by University policies and the University of Illinois Trustees Act. 110 ILCS 310, et. seq.

Section 8. Senators

Clause A.

While Senators are elected to represent a specific constituency of the UIS community, a Senator may voice a concern from a student outside of his or her respective constituency.

Section 9. Web and Social Media Manager

Clause A.

The Web and Social Media Manager shall provide website maintenance and social media services to the Student Government Association.

Clause B.

This Web and Social Media Manager shall attend necessary training in order to become a publisher for the Student Government Association Website.


The Web and Social Media Manager shall maintain the SGA website through weekly updates of SGA announcements, minutes, agendas, resolutions, initiatives, and other relevant content.

Clause C.

The Web and Social Media Manager shall maintain social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, among others for the Student Government Association as well as the Student Organization Funding Association.

Clause D.

The Web and Social Media Manager shall meet regularly with the Chairs of the Student Organization Funding Association (SOFA) and the Student Activities Committee (SAC).


The Web and Social Media Manager shall maintain the SOFA and SAC webpages and their corresponding forms, bylaws, meeting information, and other relevant information.

Clause E.

The Web and Social Media Manager shall report jointly to the Student Government Association President or designee, as well as the Student Government Advisor.

Section 10. Training

Clause 1.

All SGA members are required to attend NCBI and SOFA Training

Subclause 1.

The President and Treasurer should work together at the start of their terms to schedule and ensure completion of training.

Clause 2.

All SGA members are required to have read the SGA Constitution and SGA Bylaws prior to the second meeting as a serving member.

Article III: Standing Committees

Section 1. Executive Committee

Clause A.

The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the SGA. Should an issue require the immediate attention of the SGA, the Executive Committee shall assemble to act on behalf of the SGA as a whole.

Clause B.

The members of the Executive Committee will be the SGA President, Internal Vice-President, External Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Parliamentarian, and Trustee.

Section 2. Student Activities Committee

Clause A.

The Student Activities Committee (SAC) shall work to provide various programs and events to the student body as well as encourage student involvement at UIS.

Clause B.

SAC shall have 1 standing sub-committee:


Springfest Committee

Clause C.

The Chair of SAC will choose the membership of the Committee.

Clause D.

The Student Activities Committee may create bylaws that are consistent with the SGA Constitution and Bylaws.


SAC Executive Board members will be ineligible to run for a SGA Executive Board position.

Clause E.

The Chair of SAC is required to report in person or in writing to SGA bi-monthly regarding the allocations, operations, and upcoming programming of the Student Activities Committee.

Section 3. Student Organization Funding Association

Clause A.

The Student Organization Funding Association (SOFA) is responsible for granting funds to all UIS student organizations and clubs, provided the request entered by the organization is valid and is consistent with SOFA rules. The money allocated to each club will be used to improve student life at UIS.

Clause B.

The Chair of SOFA will choose the membership of the Committee.

Clause C.

SOFA may create bylaws that are consistent with the SGA Constitution and Bylaws.

Clause D.

The Chair of SOFA is required to report in person or in writing to SGA bi-monthly regarding the allocations and operations of the Student Organization Funding Association.

Section 4. Student Government Association Rules and Constitution Committee

Clause A.

The SGA Rules and Constitution Committee will, if needed, review and revise proposed changes to the Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules and bring those recommendations to the SGA at-large.

Clause B.

The SGA Rules and Constitution Committee will hear any and all disciplinary allegations from any member of the SGA or student body. See Article IX of these Bylaws for disciplinary procedures pertaining to the Constitution and Rules Committee.

Clause C.

The Parliamentarian will serve as the Chair of the SGA Rules and Constitution Committee.

Clause D.

This committee shall meet at least once throughout the semester.

Clause E.

The Rules and Constitution shall consist of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 9 members and a chairperson. Members shall be made up of at least one SGA member, one SAC member, one SOFA member, one member not in any Student Government organization. No person may fill more than one of these requirements.

Section 5. Elections Committee

Clause A.

The Elections Committee shall be charged with the administration and fair execution of the SGA elections.

Clause B.

No member of SGA shall serve on the committee.

Clause C.

See Article VII of these Bylaws for further rules.

Section 6. External Relations and Marketing Committee

Clause A.

The Committee on External Relations and Marketing shall be responsible for obtaining information about outside relations and activities as it pertains to UIS and the campus community; this may include, but is not limited to, faculty, staff, the UI Alumni Association, businesses, non-profit organizations and agencies, and Sangamon County area. The committee will also be responsible for maintaining contact with local, county, state, and federal officials on issues pertaining to higher education.

Clause B.

The External Vice-President shall chair the Committee on External Affairs.

Clause C.

Membership will consist of the chair, the Student Representative to the Board of Trustees in addition to three to five other SGA members.

Clause D.

The External Committee shall be responsible for serving as an outreach committee for the Student Government Association. This committee shall work to maintain the visibility of the Student Government Association through the entirely of the academic year. This committee will also incorporate the overall vision and message of the current Student Government Association in its practices to serve as an outreach committee of the Student Government Association. This committee will create and maintain current Student Government Association initiatives aimed at upholding a strong sense of connection with the UIS campus.

Section 7. Student Affairs Committee

Clause A.

The Internal Affairs Committee shall be responsible for obtaining information about inside relations and activities as it pertains to UIS and the campus community. This may include that the committee will work closely with, but is not limited to, faculty, staff, department administration, Division of Student Affairs, Academic and Administrative Affairs, Facility Services, and Campus Police. The committee will conduct discussion and make recommendations on behalf of the student body in affairs of parking, building maintenance, construction, and other necessary units, to ensure the efficient and effective daily operations of the University of Illinois Springfield.

Clause B.

The Internal Vice President shall chair the committee on Internal Affairs.

Clause C.

Membership will consist of the chair in addition to three to five other SGA members.

Clause D.

The Internal Affairs Committee shall meet at least once per semester.

Article IV: Appointments

Section 1.

Clause A.

The SGA President will notify the student body that the SGA is seeking applications for a position.

Clause B.

All applications must include a current resume and a cover letter. Applications that do not include a resume and cover letter will not be considered.

Section 2.

Clause A.

Two (2) weeks after the notification to the student body, the President will consider the applications and nominate a candidate to SGA at large.

Sub clause 1

The nomination must include the candidate’s resume and cover letter and a justification for their appointment.

Sub clause 2

The nominated candidate must attend the SGA large meeting for their confirmation.

Section 3.

Clause A.

Should the SGA at large find it necessary, applicants may be called in to take questions from the members of the SGA at large.

Subclause 1.

Deliberations will take place in closed session, but candidates and audience members must be afforded an opportunity to speak with all due process.

Section 4.

Clause A.

The SGA at large will not consider the candidate race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or political ideology during deliberations.

Section 5.

Clause A.

Once the nomination has been considered, the SGA at large will vote for the confirmation of the candidate requiring a simple majority.

Section 6.

Clause A.

If a simple majority cannot be reached, then a new nomination may be submitted.

Article V: Appeals From the Student Organization Funding Association

Section 1.

After exhausting all appeals with SOFA, a student organization may submit an appeal to the Office of Student Life within ten (10) business days.

Section 2.

The Director of Student Life shall then forward the written appeal to all members of the Executive Committee, who will meet to discuss the merits of the appeal.

Section 3.

If a majority of the Executive Committee finds that the request by the student organization warrants further discussion, the Executive Committee shall put the appeal to the SGA at-large at the next scheduled meeting. If the Executive Committee does not reach a majority, then the appeal fails and the last ruling of SOFA stands.

Section 4.

When the SGA at-large considers the appeal at its next meeting, a representative from the appealing organization shall be present to explain why the organization should be granted the funding request. 

Clause A

If the representative is not able to be present at the meeting, the organization may submit a written explanation to the SGA Secretary, who will distribute the explanation to the SGA at-large.

Section 5.

A representative from SOFA shall also be present at the scheduled meeting to explain why the funding request was denied. 

Clause A. 

If the representative from SOFA is not able to be present at the meeting, SOFA may submit a written explanation to the SGA Secretary, who will distribute the explanation to the SGA at-large.

Section 6.

The SGA may then adjourn into closed session for the purpose of discussing the appeal. The decision will be made in open session by a roll call vote.

Section 7.

If a majority of the SGA finds that SOFA erred in not granting the funding request, the SGA may order that SOFA fully or partially grant the funding request.

Section 8.

If a majority is not reached, then the last ruling of SOFA stands and the disputed funds are not disbursed.

Article VI: Meetings and Events

Section 1.

All resolutions shall be sent to the SGA President no later than noon on Friday before the meeting in which the resolution will be presented in order for it to be placed on the agenda.

Section 2.

All budgetary and other monetary proposals require a roll call vote.

Section 3.

Each member is responsible for attending the SGA televised meetings and committee meetings as assigned.

Section 4.

SGA members shall be dressed in business casual or professional attire during televised meetings.

Section 5.

Abstention votes do not count towards the yeas or nays in voting in any situation. Should a majority of the voting quorum abstain from voting, the resolution shall be tabled until the next meeting when it will be placed on the agenda.

Article VII: Stipends for SGA Members

Section 1.

Funds for stipends to SGA members will be paid from the amount allocated to the SGA from the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs budget.

Section 2.

The President, Internal Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary & BOT positions will be eligible for stipends.

Section 3.

The President's stipend will be in the amount of $500 while the Internal Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary stipends will be in the amount of $250.

Section 4.

The External Vice-President is not eligible to receive a stipend.

Section 5.

Senators are not eligible to receive stipends.

Section 6.

All officers receiving stipends will be paid at the end of the year, which are subject to removal from office as outlined in Article IX.

Section 7.

A request for a stipend must be submitted to the President or Treasurer by the first week of the spring semester. Applications will not be accepted after the end of this week.

Section 8.

Any change in stipends will not take effect until the beginning of the next academic year after approval from the SGA.

Section 11.

Any unused stipends shall be absorbed back into the SGA's budget.

Article VIII: Elections

Section 1. Introduction

Clause A.

Student Elections are an integral part of the Student Governance process. Candidates are reminded that the manner in which they conduct and represent themselves and others reflects upon both themselves as individuals, as well as the organization as a whole. As such, candidates must ensure that their conduct, materials and statements are truthful and of the highest ethical standards as befits students at an institution of higher education.

Clause B.

Candidates are further reminded that the ultimate goal of the election and campaign process is to be seated on the Student Government Association as a representative of students at the University. All aspects of your conduct throughout the campaign and election process should seek to enhance the reputation of students and the Association.

Section 2. Campaign Regulations

Clause A.

Candidates are responsible for knowing and complying with all campaign regulations.


Including both personal and in-kind expenditures, no more than $200.00 (Two hundred dollars) shall be directed towards a campaign. Candidates must maintain complete records of materials used, all expenditures, and in-kind contributions in a manner which the election committee can readily understand. Candidates must produce such records upon request of the election committee. (If materials are used which represent more than one candidate, each candidate represented will be considered responsible for an equal share of the cost to produce the material.)


Campaign materials may not be posted until the campaign period officially begins. If any campaign materials appear prior to that time, the Elections Committee reserves the right to penalize the candidate, which may include the disqualification of the candidate.


Campaigning may continue throughout the election period. However, campaigning is not allowed in the Student Center or in the computer labs.


There can be no campaigning in the vicinity of any official election station. This includes campaigning by yourself or others, posters, flyers or any sort of materials. Materials posted in these areas during the campaign week will be removed by Student Life Staff prior to the start of balloting. Candidates are advised not to linger in the vicinity of the polling area due to the vulnerability of being perceived as campaigning. Please don’t put yourself at risk by testing such requirements.


Candidates may not move, remove, cover, or in any way alter materials displayed by other candidates. If improper or unapproved material is observed, the item(s) and their location should be reported to the Director of Student Life.


All campaign materials must be removed by the designated date following the election. Failure to do so may result in sanctions against the candidate.


All candidates must abide by the regulations set forth by the University policies, regulations, and procedures at all times.


All students campaigning on behalf of a candidate must follow the campaign rules set forth here. Any violation by any volunteer will be viewed as a violation by the candidate, which may call for disqualification of their candidacy.

Section 3. Approval of Campaign Materials

Clause A.

Materials may be reviewed by the Director of Student Life for compliance with the campaign regulations. Materials which appear questionable or unacceptable will be referred to the Election Committee for review.

Section 4. Elections Committee

Clause A. Committee Description and Responsibility


The Elections Committee shall consist of 5 members and a chairperson. The chairperson shall be the Director of Student Life, or his/her designee. The additional members shall consist of 3 students and 2 staff members. The chair shall only vote in case of a tie.


The Elections Committee will have the authority to review and hear complaints and to make decisions based on these complaints.


A quorum of the election committee is required when meeting to resolve formal complaints. A quorum is defined as a minimum of three members of the election committee, at least one of whom must be a student.


Elections Committee will not seek out infractions – they will only respond to complaints submitted.


The Elections Committee will convene only if a written complaint is submitted, or if required to provide clarifications of election policies - otherwise no meetings will be scheduled.

Clause B. Complaint Process


Any student wishing to file a complaint regarding the election or the campaign process shall have the opportunity to do so through an established process.


Any complaint must be identified as a formal complaint, signed by the complainant, and submitted in writing to the Director of Student Life.


Verbal and informal electronic communications are considered informational and advisory and will not be considered a complaint. The Director of Student Life and/or the election committee will respond to such correspondence as a basis for issuing clarifications or other directives to any or all candidates.


Formal complaints will be forwarded to the Elections Committee who will review all complaints and determine an appropriate action.


All complaints must be submitted within the time allowed for the receipt of complaints. Complaints received after that time will not be accepted unless the Election Committee determines there is a strong case to do so.


Unless otherwise stated by the Elections Committee, the following deadlines for the receipt of complaints shall apply:

  1. Complaints challenging the eligibility of a candidate to seek election shall be filed no less than 2 business days prior to the beginning of formal balloting.
  2. All other complaints shall be submitted within one business day of the time at which the incident prompting the complaint became known to the complainant.
  3. The final deadline for the filing of complaints will be Noon of the next business day following the completion of the voting process.

Article IX: Disciplinary Actions Against Members

Section 1.

Any member of the SGA may be disciplined for the following reasons:

Clause A.

Gross negligence of duty;

Clause B.

Substantial violation of the SGA Constitution or legal responsibilities;

Clause C.

Violation of academic integrity or the Student Disciplinary Code; or,

Clause D.

Missing three (3) regularly scheduled televised SGA meetings.


If a member misses two (2) meetings, the SGA President will inform the member and place the member on probation.

Section 2.

The student or SGA member will state one or more of the above reasons in a signed and written complaint to the Director of Student Life.

Clause A.

If the complaint is submitted against any officer other than the Parliamentarian, then the Director of Student Life will forward the complaint to the Parliamentarian.

Clause B.

If the complaint is submitted against the Parliamentarian, then the complaint will be forwarded to the President, who will become acting Chair of the Constitution and Rules Committee for the purpose of ruling on the complaint.

Section 3.

The Constitution and Rules Committee will meet within five (5) business days to hear the complaint. Both the complainant and the accused member may be present at this meeting to present evidence and make statements.

Section 4.

Should the Committee find with a 2/3 majority that the complaint warrants further action, the complaint will be forwarded to the SGA with a recommended disciplinary action.

Section 5.

The complaint will be brought to the SGA at-large at its next scheduled meeting. Both the complainant and respondent will be present at the meeting. Both sides are allowed to make a five (5) minute statement. The complaint brought forward must be held in closed session.

Section 6.

After both sides have presented their case, the SGA will discuss and vote on if the respondent is guilty of the complaint and what disciplinary action to take. The following actions may be taken:

Clause A.



If a member is censured, a resolution will be passed to record the censure and be placed in the SGA’s archives.

Clause B.

If the complaint relates to attendance of meetings, the member’s probation may be extended.

Clause C.

Removal from SGA

Section 7.

The SGA may convene into executive session for the purpose of making a decision on the charges and on any actions to be taken against the member. A 2/3 majority is needed in order to find guilty. If the SGA votes to find the member guilty, a simple majority is needed to approve actions of censure and extension of probation. A 2/3 majority is needed in order to remove the member.

Section 8.

If the SGA does not reach the 2/3 majority needed to find the member guilty, no action will be taken against the member.

Section 9.

During all proceedings, the member will be allowed due process.

Article X: Selection of Student Representatives to Search Committees

Section 1.

In the event that the University Administration announces the formation of a Search Committee that requires student representation, the SGA President will notify the student body that the SGA is seeking applications for the position.

Clause A.

All applications must include a current resume and a cover letter. Applications that do not include a resume or cover letter will not be considered.

Section 2.

Two (2) weeks after the notification to the student body, the Executive Committee will convene into a closed session to consider the applications.

Section 3.

Should the Executive Committee find it necessary, applicants may be called in to take questions from the members of the committee.

Section 4.

The Executive Committee will not consider the applicant’s race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or political ideology during deliberations. 

Section 5. 

Once all applications have been considered, the Executive Committee will submit recommendations to the University Administration for final approval.

Article XI: Amending the Bylaws

Section 1.

Any member of the SGA may submit a proposal to amend or change these Bylaws.

Section 2.

Any proposal to change these Bylaws will be submitted to the SGA President, Secretary, and Parliamentarian at noon on the Friday before the next scheduled SGA meeting.

Section 3.

The Parliamentarian, prior to passage of any amendment to the Bylaws, may provide a written opinion to the Student Government Association detailing the effect that any proposed amendment would have on the Bylaws.

Section 4.

In the opinion letter, the Parliamentarian shall provide a recommendation to the Student Government Association as to whether the proposed amendment should be approved by the Student Government Association as a whole.

Section 5.

The Student Government shall reserve the authority to approve the amendment to the Bylaws without an opinion letter from the Parliamentarian.

Section 6.

A simple majority is required to amend or change the Bylaws. This vote shall be taken during the SGA regularly scheduled televised meetings.

Section 7.

Upon approval of any amendments to the Bylaws, the Parliamentarian shall be responsible for updating the Bylaws to reflect the amendments made by the Student Government Association.

Article XIII: Parliamentary Procedure

Section 1.

Except as otherwise provided for herein, all meetings and procedures undertaken by the Student Government Association shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.