Building Maintenance

The Office of Building Maintenance performs building maintenance and repairs.

Regular Maintenance and Repair Requests 

Requests for routine maintenance and repairs should route through our work order system. You can access the work order system by clicking the "Request Service" button below, then complete and submit the request form.

Please note:

  • The red asterisk denotes a required field.
  • Only the first 50 selections appear when scrolling in the "Filter by Building Group", "Filter by Building", and "Location(s)" fields. Reduce the selections by using prior filter fields or by typing directly in the field.
  • This system is a database so it may take a moment for it to find locations.

Additional details about the request form fields are found at the bottom of the page.


Emergency issues are those that pose a threat to life, health, safety, or property. These require immediate attention and should be reported directly to a person to enable a quick response.

Call Facilities & Services at (217) 206-6530 to report emergency issues during weekday business hours (Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm).

Call Campus Police at (217) 206-7777 or (217) 206-6690 for emergencies occurring outside weekday business hours (Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm).

Remodels and Renovations 

Requests for extensive remodeling or upgrades are considered to be beyond regular maintenance. These requests must be coordinated through the department head or dean and then submitted to F&S using the "Request a Construction Project" form. For more information, visit our Construction & Renovation page or contact F&S by email or phone at (217) 206-6530. 

Request Form Field Descriptions

Call us at (217) 206-6530 if you have any questions about how to fill out a work order request or how that process works.


Enter the type of work, issue, or request being made. i.e., toilet running, cleaning needed, shred bin removal, etc.


This field is for university units or departments that are requesting billable work or service. Add a note in the Short Description field if you want an estimate before work begins. If you’re unsure if your request is billable, contact F&S at (217) 206-6530 or at


Select the category that best fits your work request.

  • Residence Life (Housing): Work orders for Residence Halls and Townhouses
  • General (Facilities): Most work orders will fall into this category.
  • Secure Shred: Requests for new bins or removal of existing bins.
  • Surplus/Disposal: Submit the request to surplus/dispose of items after approval has been processed through FabWeb. Please attach the spreadsheet provided to you by University Property Accounting.

Your UIS Email

Notifications will be sent to this email address.

Short Description

Optional field where additional details or information can be provided.

Your Name

List the name of the person submitting the request or the point of contact for the request.

Filter by Building Group

Use this field to reduce the number of buildings that appear in the “Filter by Building” field.

Filter by Building

Select the Building where the work is needed by scrolling or typing the building name or acronym. This selection will reduce the locations that appear in the “Location(s)” field. We highly recommend using this filter.


After using the Building filter, you can simply type your room number to find and select your location.


Upload images or documents to assist with the work order request. Upload the spreadsheet from Property Accounting for surplus disposal requests.

Links & Instructions

These are quick links to additional resources and information.