New Student Information
If you are a new student to Illinois, we feel it’s important that you are aware of a few Illinois laws found in the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) and University policies.
It is not intended to be a full statement of the law. For further assistance, please visit our office, or call us at (217) 206-6690.

Criminal Sexual Assault (720 ILCS 5/11-1.20)
Sexual assault includes acts of sexual penetration by the use of force or threat of force or an act of sexual penetration and the accused knew that the victim was unable to understand the nature of the act or was unable to give knowing consent. Criminal sexual assault is a Class 1 felony punishable for 4 to 15 years in prison.
Aggravated Criminal Sexual Assault (720 ILCS 5/11-1.30)
A person commits aggravated criminal sexual assault if he or she commits criminal sexual assault and the following aggravating circumstance exists, the accused delivered (by injection, inhalation, ingestion, transfer of possession, or any other means) to the victim without his or her consent, or by threat or deception, and for other than medical purposes, any controlled substance. Aggravated Criminal Sexual Assault is a Class X felony, punishable for not less than 50 and not more than 60 years in prison.
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, or other Drugs 625 ILCS 5/11-501
Illinois law prohibits a person with a blood alcohol content of .08 or higher, or who is under the influence of intoxicants or any other substance that may impair a person’s driving ability, from driving a motor vehicle. Don’t drink and drive.
Criminal Trespass to State Supported Land 720 ILCS 5/21-5
Charges could be filed if an individual knowingly enters or unlawfully remains in a building or on property after receiving notice from the state or its representative to depart.
Theft 720 ILCS 5/16-1
Taking or exercising control over items of another individual with the intent to permanently deprive the owner thereof is against the law, and could result in arrest.
Criminal Damage to Government Supported Property 720 ILCS 5/21-1.01
It is against the law to unjustifiably deface, destroy, or damage government supported property.
Firearms 720 ILCS 5/21-6
Possession of any type of gun or rifle on UIS property is not permitted.
Dumping 415 ILCS 105/4
It is against the law in Illinois to dump, discard, or litter or to permit dumping, discarding, or littering on any public or private property.
Disorderly Conduct 720 ILCS 5/26-1
A person may be arrested for disorderly conduct if he or she performs any act which would alarm or disturb another or be considered a breach of peace.
These suggestions and general guidelines are meant to be helpful to all students attending U of I Springfield.
UIS policy regarding alcohol and other drugs
The University of Illinois Springfield works to achieve a drug- and alcohol-free environment for students and employees, in compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws. Students or employees who violate federal, state or local laws concerning drugs or alcohol are subject to criminal prosecution. Those who violate UIS policies may also be subject to institutional sanctions.
The unlawful possession, use, distribution, dispensation, sale and manufacture of controlled substances or alcohol are prohibited on UIS property or as part of any UIS activity. Employees and students who violate the Policy and Program for Drug Prevention may be disciplined in accordance with UIS policies, statutes, rules, regulations, employment contracts, and labor agreements, up to and including discharge and referral for prosecution. Any employee convicted of a drug or alcohol offense involving the workplace is subject to discipline and/or may be required to complete a drug rehabilitation program as a condition of continued employment.
Visit Alcohol and Drug policies or contact the UIS Office of Human Resources, HRB 30, 217-206-6652; or the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, FRH 171, 217-206-6581 for more detailed information.
Social Security Office
If you need to obtain a social security card contact the Social Security administration at 1-800-772-1213 or TTY (217)862-6681. You can also contact the local Social Security office located at 3112 Constitution Drive, Springfield, IL 62704, telephone number (877) 279-9504, or contact International Student Services, located in HRB 52, telephone number (217) 206-6678.
Checking and Savings Accounts
When opening a checking or savings account at a local bank, you need a current address, telephone number (work or home), and an identification with your picture and social security number on it. Do not write checks until you are certain that your deposits are available for withdrawal. Businesses receiving checks that are not honored by the bank normally charge a penalty fee.
License Plates
License plates are required on any automobile, truck, or motorcycle. It is also required that a registration sticker be affixed to the rear license plate. The registration sticker must be renewed annually. Be sure to keep your title or vehicle registration in a safe place. For more information direct your inquires to:
Illinois Secretary of State
2701 S. Dirksen Pkwy
Springfield, IL 62703
Telephone: (217) 782-6030
Springfield Howlett
501 S. 2nd Street
Springfield, IL 62756
Telephone: (217) 785-3000
Vehicle Insurance
It is unlawful in Illinois to operate, or to allow another to operate, your motor vehicle without liability insurance.
Driver’s License
Check with the State of Illinois Driver Services at 2701 S. Dirksen Pkwy., telephone number (217)782-6030. You can obtain your driver’s license at the exam station located at 316 N. Klein, Springfield, IL telephone number 782-4850. A person must have a valid driver’s license to be eligible to drive a motor vehicle. Motorcycles and automobiles require different licenses. Make sure you take proper identification with you.
Operating a Motor Vehicle
When operating a vehicle, you must have in your possession your valid driver’s license and a current insurance card.
Motor Vehicle Accidents
If you are involved in an accident, do not move your vehicle until the police arrive and advise you to do so. Exchange identification and insurance information with the other parties involved in the accident. An individual accident report form must be filed if property damages of $1500 or more are sustained. This form may be obtained from the police and must be completed within ten (10) days and forwarded to the Illinois Department of Transportation.
Traffic Citations
Illinois traffic laws are enforced by UIS campus police. Please obey all traffic laws and regulations. Parking policies are enforced as well. Failure to obey them may result in a citation or fine.
University of Illinois Possession of Weapons Policy
Illinois State Statute provides as follows:
7201LCS 5/21-6
Unauthorized possession or storage of weapons
- Whoever possesses or stores any weapon enumerated in Section 33A-1 in any building or on land supported in whole or in part with public funds or in any building on such land without prior written permission from the chief security officer for such land or building commits a Class A misdemeanor. (Class A misdemeanors are punishable by 6 to 12 months in jail or up to two years probation, and a fine up to $2,500.00)
- The chief security officer must grant any reasonable request for permission under paragraph (a).
720 ILCS 5/33A-1
(a) “Armed with a dangerous weapon”. A person is considered armed with a dangerous weapon for the purposes of this Article, when he or she carries on or about his or her person or is otherwise armed with a Category I, Category II, or Category III weapon.
(b) A Category I weapon is a handgun, sawed-off shotgun, sawed-off rifle, any other firearm small enough to be concealed upon the person, semiautomatic firearm, or machine gun. A Category II weapon is any other rifle, shotgun, spring gun, other firearm, stun gun or taser as defined in paragraph (a) of Section 24-1 of this Code, knife with a blade of at least 3 inches in length, dagger, dirk, switchblade knife, stiletto, axe, hatchet, or other deadly or dangerous weapon or instrument of like character. As used in this subsection (b) “semiautomatic firearm” means a repeating firearm that utilizes a portion of the energy of a firing cartridge to extract the fired cartridge case and chamber the next round and that requires a separate pull of the trigger to fire each cartridge.
(c) A Category III weapon is a bludgeon, black jack, slingshot, sand-bag, sand-club, metal knuckles, billy or other dangerous weapon of like character.
For the purpose of implementing the provisions of this Statute for the University of Illinois campuses and all properties administered under the auspices of the University of Illinois the following regulations and procedures are hereby established.
The University of Illinois hereby designates the Chiefs of Police of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and University of Illinois at Springfield (UIS) as the Chief Security Officer, pursuant to 720 ILCS 5/21-6, to receive, review and issue written permissions to possess or store weapons on University property, in accordance with the provisions contained herein.
Persons seeking permission to possess or store any weapon in or on University buildings or land shall direct such request to the Chief of Police of the University campus on which such building or land is located. If the University building or land is not located within one of the three specified campuses the requestor shall direct such request to the Chief of Police of the campus that is responsible for the management of the University building or land for which the request is being made.
A request for permission to possess or store a weapon must be submitted in writing to the appropriate Chief of Police. Said request shall contain the following:
- The name, address, and phone number of the requestor;
- A full and complete description of the weapon(s) involved, to include make, model, serial number and all other relevant descriptors;
- The relationship that the requestor has to the University building or land involved (student, faculty, employee, visitor, guest, etc.);
- A detailed description of the purpose of the request;
- Copies of all relevant weapon documentation (e.g. licenses, registrations, proof of ownership, etc.)
- Specific dates/period of time requested; and
- Complete description of the proposed mode of transportation to and from University building or land and secured storage of said weapon(s).
Any changes in the above information or permanent removal of the weapon(s) from campus buildings or land needs to be communicated in writing to the appropriate Chief of Police. There are separate requirements for purchasing, recording, and disposing of weapons acquired with University funds. Please refer to sections 7.3 (Cash Purchases), 12.2 (Capitalization and Valuation of Property and Equipment), and 12.4 (Acquisition, Transfer, and Disposal of Equipment) of the Business and Financial Policies and Procedures. This information can be accessed via the web
The Chief of Police receiving a request for permission to possess or store a weapon shall:
- Review each request for completeness and verify information contained therein;
- Ensure that the proposed possession/storage/ mode of transportation would not entail a violation of any Federal, State or local laws or ordinances;
- Ensure that the granting of such request would be in compliance with existing University regulations;
- Determine the reasonableness of the request.
- A denied request shall be in writing, directed to the requestor, outlining the reason(s) for such denial.
- An approved request shall be in writing, directed to the requestor, specifying that approval is contingent upon the requestor delivering the weapon(s) and specified original relevant documentation (licenses, registration, proof of ownership, etc.) for inspection to the Chief of Police, or his designee.
- Upon successful completion of 6 (above) the Chief of Police will provide the requestor with written instructions as to the possession/storage of the weapon(s) in question to include duration, location, restrictions, use and limitations.
- The Chief of Police shall ensure that appropriate storage facilities are available for the safe storage of any requested weapon(s). Lack of appropriate storage facilities at the requested location shall constitute sufficient reason for denial of such request.
- The Chief of Police can revoke approval for non-compliance of the requestor, change in circumstances, change in law or University regulations, or any other valid reason.
The following circumstances shall constitute written permission for the possession/storage of weapons:
- Registration in any course of study where weapons are used in connection with that course for such students to use any University owned or controlled weapons when such weapon is used in connection with that course of study;
- Employees or agents of the University who are required by the University to possess or control weapons are authorized to possess or store such weapons in the performance of their duties;
- Members of the Armed Services or Reserve Forces of the United States of America or the Illinois National Guard, who are authorized to possess weapons under the laws of the State of Illinois, while in the performance of their official duties;
- Sworn local, state or federal peace officers, who are authorized to possess weapons under the laws of the State of Illinois, while in the performance of their official duties as designated by their respective law enforcement agency;
- Wardens, superintendents and keepers of prisons, penitentiaries, jails and other institutions for the detention of persons accused or convicted of an offense, who are authorized to possess weapons under the laws of the State of Illinois, while in the performance of their official duty;
- Guards of armored car companies, who are authorized to possess weapons under the laws of the State of Illinois, while actually engaged in the performance of their duties as contracted by employees or agents of the University.
- Off-duty sworn local, state or federal peace officers, who are authorized to carry weapons off-duty both under the laws of the State of Illinois and by authority of their respective agency, while engaged in rendering services for the university. This provision will only be applicable if the University unit/agency engaging said services have first received approval from the Chief of Police. Said unit/agency will provide such information relating to the proposed activities of such officers as requested by the Chief of Police.