Common Data Set
- 2005-2006 Common Data Set
- 2006-2007 Common Data Set
- 2007-2008 Common Data Set
- 2008-2009 Common Data Set
- 2009-2010 Common Data Set
- 2010-2011 Common Data Set
- 2011-2012 Common Data Set
- 2012-2013 Common Data Set
- 2013-2014 Common Data Set
- 2014-2015 Common Data Set
- 2015-2016 Common Data Set
- 2016-2017 Common Data Set
- 2017-2018 Common Data Set
- 2018-2019 Common Data Set
- 2019-2020 Common Data Set
- 2020-2021 Common Data Set
- 2021-2022 Common Data Set
- 2022-2023 Common Data Set
- 2023-2024 Common Data Set
General University
UIS Programs by College with Faculty and Student Headcount
- Fall 2005 UIS Programs by College w/ Faculty and Student Headcount
- Fall 2006 UIS Programs by College w/ Faculty and Student Headcount
- Fall 2007 UIS Programs by College with Faculty and Student Headcount
- Fall 2008 UIS Programs by College with Faculty and Student Headcount
- Fall 2009 UIS Programs by College with Faculty and Student Headcount
- Fall 2010 UIS Programs by College with Faculty and Student Headcount
- Fall 2011 UIS Programs by College with Faculty and Student Headcount
- Fall 2012 UIS Programs by College with Faculty and Student Headcount
- Fall 2013 UIS Programs by College with Faculty and Student Headcount
- Fall 2014 UIS Programs by College with Faculty and Student Headcount
- Fall 2015 UIS Programs by College with Faculty and Student Headcount
- Fall 2016 UIS Programs by College with Faculty and Student Headcount
- Fall 2017 UIS Programs by College with Faculty and Student Headcount
- Fall 2018 UIS Programs by College with Faculty and Student Headcount
- Fall 2019 UIS Programs by College with Faculty and Student Headcount
- Fall 2020 UIS Programs by College with Faculty and Student Headcount
- Fall 2021 UIS Programs by College with Faculty and Student Headcount
- Fall 2022 UIS Programs by College with Faculty and Student Headcount
Major Financial Aid Programs Versus Tuition & Fee Increases: FY16-FY22 (Undergraduate)
Historical Headcount & Full-Time Equivalent (Fall 1970-2024)
Historical Headcount & Full-Time Equivalent, All Terms (1996-2024)
All Students: Illinois County of Enrollment (Fall 2015-2024)
UIS Student Profile – Fall Terms (2006-2024)
UIS Student Profile – Summer Terms (2007-2024)
UIS Student Profile – Spring Terms (2008-2024)
Historical Profile – First Time Freshmen (Fall 2015-2024)
Historical Profile – First Time Degree Seeking Transfer Students (Fall 2015-2024)
Historical Profile – First Time Degree Seeking Graduate Students (Fall 2015-2024)
Historical Profile – Undergraduate Students (Fall 2015-2024)
Historical Profile – Masters Level Students (Fall 2015-2024)
Historical Profile – Doctoral Level Students (Fall 2015-2024)
Historical Profile – All Students (Fall 2015-2024)
New Undergraduate Students
- Major at Entry of First-time, First-year Students (Fall 2014-2024)
- First-time, First-year Student ACT Scores (Fall 2020-2024)
- First-time, First-year Student SAT Scores (Fall 2017-2024)
- First-time, First-year Student High School Percentile Rank (Fall 2020-2024)
- Major at Entry of New Degree-Seeking Transfer Students (Fall 2015-2024)
Academic Colleges, Programs, and Instruction
Fall Headcount by College
Historical Fall Headcount, by College, Level, and Major (Fall 2010-2024)
Historical Fall Headcount, by College, Level, Major and Online/On-ground Status
Undergraduate Headcount: Primary and Secondary Majors (Fall 2020-2024)
Minors Headcount (Fall 2015-2024)
Student Profiles, by College
Undergraduate Students: Demographics, by Major
- Accounting Undergraduate Demographics
- Biochemistry Undergraduate Demographics
- Business Administration Undergraduate Demographics
- Chemistry Undergraduate Demographics
- Communication Undergraduate Demographics
- Computer Science Undergraduate Demographics
- Criminology and Criminal Justice Undergraduate Demographics
- Economics Undergraduate Demographics
- Elementary Education Undergraduate Demographics
- English Undergraduate Demographics
- Environmental Studies Undergraduate Demographics
- Exercise Science Undergraduate Demographics
- Global Studies Undergraduate Demographics
- History Undergraduate Demographics
- Information Systems Security Undergraduate Demographics
- Legal Studies Undergraduate Demographics
- Liberal Studies Undergraduate Demographics
- Management Undergraduate Demographics
- Management Information Systems Undergraduate Demographics
- Mathematical Sciences Undergraduate Demographics
- Medical Laboratory Science Undergraduate Demographics
- Middle Grades Education Undergraduate Demographics
- Political Science Undergraduate Demographics
- Psychology Undergraduate Demographics
- Public and Nonprofit Administration Undergraduate Demographics
- Public Policy Undergraduate Demographics
- Secondary English Education Undergraduate Demographics
- Secondary History Education Undergraduate Demographics
- Secondary Math Education Undergraduate Demographics
- Social Work Undergraduate Demographics
- Sociology/Anthropology Undergraduate Demographics
- Theatre Undergraduate Demographics
- Visual Arts Undergraduate Demographics
Graduate Students: Demographics, by Major
- Accounting Graduate Demographics
- Athletic Training Graduate Demographics
- Business Administration (MBA) Graduate Demographics
- Communication Graduate Demographics
- Computer Science Graduate Demographics
- Cybersecurity Management Graduate Demographics
- Data Analytics Graduate Demographics
- Education Graduate Demographics
- Educational Leadership Graduate Demographics
- Environmental Sciences Graduate Demographics
- Finance Graduate Demographics
- Healthcare Informatics Graduate Demographics
- History Graduate Demographics
- Human Development Counseling Graduate Demographics
- Human Resource Management Graduate Demographics
- Human Services Graduate Demographics
- Legal Studies Graduate Demographics
- Political Science Graduate Demographics
- Management Information Systems Graduate Demographics
- Public Administration Graduate Demographics
- Public Affairs Reporting Graduate Demographics
- Public Health Graduate Demographics
- Public Health-Environmental Health Graduate Demographics
- Public Policy Graduate Demographics
Cost Study/Credit Hour Information
Cost by Program Major
Undergraduate Program Major Cost Per Credit Hours (Total, Less Physical Plant)
Graduate Level Program Major Cost Per Credit Hour (Total, Less Physical Plant)
Cost by Discipline
Undergraduate Level Discipline Cost Per Credit Hour (Total, Less Physical Plant)
Graduate Level Discipline Cost Per Credit Hour (Total, Less Physical Plant)
Credit Hours Generated
Credit Hours Generated by Controlling Department and College: All Students
Credit Hours Generated in Prefix Courses: All Students
Credit Hours Generated by Program Majors: All Students
Retention, Degree Completion, & Alumni Outcomes
Graduation Rates by Aid Type: 2024
Transfer Student Retention and Graduation: 2024
Graduate Student Retention and Graduation
Degree Completion
Undergraduate Degrees Awarded: FY15-FY24
Graduate Degrees Awarded: FY15-FY24
Number of Degrees Conferred by Program Code: FY20-FY22
Number of Degrees Conferred by Program Code: FY17-FY19
Number of Degrees Conferred by Program Code: FY14-FY16
Number of IBHE and Campus Certificates Conferred: FY15-FY22
Degrees Conferred by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
- FY10 Degrees Conferred by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
- FY11 Degrees Conferred by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
- FY12 Degrees Conferred by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
- FY13 Degrees Conferred by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
- FY14 Degrees Conferred by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
- FY15 Degrees Conferred by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
- FY16 Degrees Conferred by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
- FY17 Degrees Conferred by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
- FY18 Degrees Conferred by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
- FY19 Degrees Conferred by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
- FY20 Degrees Conferred by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
- FY21 Degrees Conferred by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
- FY22 Degrees Conferred by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
Alumni Outcomes
UIS Data Definitions
The following definitions describe terms commonly used in UIS internal reports. Please note that external reporting agencies may use different definitions.
- Institutional Retention focuses on the institution's success in keeping a student enrolled. A student is retained if they are enrolled from Term A to Term B at the same institution, even if their program of study has changed. The terms could be from Fall to Fall, Fall to Spring, or some other combination that is defined when providing the retention data. The term's census date is used to determine the term's enrollment, unless otherwise noted. Students who are not retained at the institution may have graduated or they may have left before completing a program.
- Persistence focuses on a student's behavior and decisions. A student persists when they are enrolled in higher education from Time Period A to Time Period B. The time periods could be from semester to semester, year to year, within a semester, or some other combination that is identified when providing the persistence data. The student may be persisting at the same institution or at another institution. Students who do not persist may have graduated or may no longer be enrolled in higher education.
- Program - An academic field of study leading to a degree, a certificate, or some other recognized credential.
- Program Completion/Completer - The successful fulfillment of all academic requirements for a degree, certificate, or other credential within a designated program of study. This means the student has met the required standards set by the institution, including coursework, credit hours, assessments, and any additional requirements such as internships, capstone projects, or thesis work.