Our job is to be a two-way conduit of information between Civil Service employees and University administration.
If you have questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us collectively using the CSAC mailbox, or individually using members email accounts.
Our Purpose
The purpose of the Civil Service Advisory Council is to provide a means of communication between the civil service employees and the Director of Human Resources and the Chancellor. It serves as an advisory group in the formation and implementation of policies and procedures relating to civil service employees. Members of this body study and make recommendations regarding campus conditions of employment, problems, and needs at the request of civil service employees, campus administration, or upon its own initiative.
The Civil Advisory Council studies and makes recommendations regarding pertinent topics, upon request, or upon its own initiative, to the campus Director of Human Resources, the University Civil Service Advisory Committee to the Merit Board, and the Advisory Committee to the State Universities Retirement System. If you are a civil service employee and you have a work-related problem, consider coming to a meeting or contacting someone on the Council to help you resolve this issue.
Thank you for visiting our website and thank you for your service to UIS!
Contact Us
CSAC President
Jeff Sudduth
Email: jsudd3@uis.edu
Phone: (217) 206-8350