Research Opportunities for Students

Students who have an interest in astronomy are encouraged to take advanced course work in the math and the physical sciences and talk to Dr. John Martin about engaging in a research project. Generally students must demonstrate an academic strength in the physical sciences and a strong interest and commitment in order to participate in a research project at the Barber Research Observatory.

Here is a list of past student projects in Astronomy at UIS.

There are astronomy research opportunities for UIS students through several avenues:

Community Involvement

There is a strong tradition of community support for the Barber Research Observatory.  A number of dedicated community volunteers regularly support our observing operations.  If you live in the Springfield community and you have interest in volunteering at the observatory you need to make yourself known and demonstrate your interest and ability.  Not all our volunteers have degrees in math or physics, but all of them have strong analytical skills and are good with learning the use of technology.

To get started you need to demonstrate your interest and ability to Dr. Martin.  Community members are encouraged to take ASP 303 Modern Astronomy (occasionally offered now in the spring semester, especially when people express interest).  The same ASP 410 “boot camp” route is also available.  Contact Dr. Martin if you are interested.

inside of UIS's observatory
The control room at the UIS Barber Research Observatory