The Academic Professional Advisory Committee (APAC) established by University Statutes, serves in an advisory role to the chancellor and provides representation of academic professionals in governance.

APAC Functions

  1. Provide for the orderly voicing of suggestions for the good of the University;
  2. Furnish a channel for direct and concerted communication with administrative officers of the University and its various units;
  3. Facilitate the professional development of academic professionals; and
  4. Afford added recourse for the consideration of grievances.

APAC Members

APAC is composed of 10 elected members plus appointed representatives from the chancellor, provost, campus Human Resources Office, and Staff Advisory Council, for a total of 14. Members are chosen in an annual spring election from among all UIS academic professionals employed at least half-time.

University administration staff are members of the electorate of the campus at which their principal office is located. Five members are elected at-large and five from districts representing the major divisions of the campus. Members serve staggered three-year terms. Officers are elected each spring and include a representative to the Campus Senate. APAC holds regular monthly meetings and plays an active role in administrative and governance processes on campus.

Committee bylaws cover such matters as nomination and election of members and officers, size of the committee, and terms of office, and are developed on each campus. After approval by the campus chancellor, the bylaws are made available to the members of the electorate.

The committee advises the chancellor on matters affecting academic professional staff and reports to the chancellor and the academic professional staff at least once a year.

UIS also participates in the University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee and has the same number of voting representatives as the other two campuses.

What APs Should Know

APs are on year-to-year renewable contracts. APs can be notified that their contracts will not be renewed and no reason need be provided. However, notification rights must be followed.

Full-time, nonvisiting academic professional employees (except for intercollegiate athletics coaches) are entitled to receive notice of nonreappointment issued by the Board of Trustees.

Formal notice of nonreappointment by the Board of Trustees is not required for part-time academic professional employment or for positions that include in the title the terms visiting, acting, or interim.

While the substance of evaluations is not subject to grievance, issues having to do with not following the process are grievable.

Contact Us

Sarah Gibson
Chair, Academic Professional Advisory Committee
One University Plaza
Springfield, Illinois 62703-5407