The B.S.W. is nationally accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). The B.S.W. is a generalist degree that gives students the education and skills necessary to provide direct services to clients in a wide variety of human service settings. Generalist practice social work encompasses all client groups and all levels of service, from individuals to international social policy. In addition, professional preparation requires each student reflect on their values and attitudes, and gain new professional knowledge and skills. The program at UIS is based on an empowerment model dedicated to the achievement of social justice and human rights for all.

Every B.S.W. student will complete 44 credit hours of core social work courses. This includes eight hours of field work. Students should consult with their advisor for specific guidance regarding completion of general education requirements.

Field Work

An essential aspect of professional preparation is the integration of knowledge and skills with experience. This is accomplished primarily through the field work course. Field work is an intensive 400-hour experience in a social service agency, where a student, under supervision, learns to assess and improve his or her own social work skills. The field work supervisor should be a person holding a degree in social work and must be approved by the program’s field work director. Field work may be taken concurrently with SWK 430SWK 433, and SWK 434. All other B.S.W. core courses must be completed and graded before starting field work. Students on academic probation are ineligible for field work.

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