Disability Services

Disability Services provides academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities. The primary goal of the office is to assist students in succeeding in college-level courses through a variety of support services. This is achieved by:

  1. Creating individualized accommodation plans that looks at the disability as well as documentation of that disability. The plan formulized is based on the history, severity and functional limitations of the disability as well as what that student needs to be successful. That plan includes not only academic accommodations but also adaptive technology and training.
  2. Providing leadership to the campus community to enhance understanding of disability and support of ODS and our role in campus life.
  3. Providing guidance and education to the campus community to ensure that they understand and comply with legal requirements for access and with the student’s rights to receive academic accommodations.
  4. Establishing a clear set of policies and procedures that define the rights and responsibilities of both the institution and the student.