What Does the Title IX Coordinator Do?
- The Title IX Coordinator receives and investigates reports and complaints of sexual harassment and sexual violence, including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.
- The Title IX Coordinator works with the Dean of Students, faculty course instructors, Housing and Residence Life, the Campus Police, International Student Services, and others to make supportive measures available to students, whether or not a complaint is also filed or investigated.
- The Title IX Coordinator also provides and coordinates educational programming and training to inform the campus community of rights and obligations and ensure awareness and understanding of what constitutes sexual misconduct and how to prevent it.
- The Title IX Coordinator serves the entire UIS community and collaborates with the President’s Office, Ethics and Compliance, Campus Police, local law enforcement officials, the State’s Attorney’s office, and local sexual assault and domestic violence crisis response centers, to support the safety and well-being of our campus and its students, faculty, and staff.
- The Title IX Coordinator also advises and monitors Athletics and all units across campus to ensure Gender Equity and Equal Opportunity for student program participants.
The Title IX Coordinator:
- Fosters RESPECTFUL campus climates based on affirmative consent and safe bystander intervention
- Explains the on- and off-campus RESOURCES available to you!
- Receives REPORTS and appropriately follows up, or maintains appropriate records
- Coordinates timely, appropriate, and compassionate RESPONSE
- COLLABORATES with campus and community partners to review and update Title IX and sexual misconduct policies, practices, and procedures, based on state and federal law and guidelines
Contact Us
Shelby Bedford
Assistant Director for Access & Equity
Title IX Coordinator
Equal Employment Opportunity Officer
ADA/504 Coordinator
One University Plaza | HRB 20 (Mail Stop: HRB 30)
Springfield, Illinois 62703
Phone: 217.206.6222
Email: sbedf2@uis.edu - aeo@uis.edu - titleix@uis.edu