Pedagogy is the teaching of children, or dependent personalities. Andragogy is the facilitation learning for adults, who are self-directed learners. Heutagogy is the management of learning for self-managed learners. Below is a table comparing Pedagogy, Andragogy, and Heutagogy, recreated in an accessible format from Teach Thought.

Children’s learning
Adults learning
Self-directed learning
DependenceThe learner is a dependent personality. Teacher determines what, how, and when anything is learned.Adults are independent. They strive for autonomy and self-direction in learning.Learners are interdependent. They identify the potential to learn from novel experiences as a matter of course. They are able to manage their own learning.
Resources for learningThe learner has few resources — the teacher devises transmission techniques to store knowledge in the learner’s head.Adults use their own and other’s experience.Teacher provides some resources, but the learner decides the path by negotiating the learning.
Reasons for learningLearn in order to advance to the next stage.Adults learn when they experience a need to know or to perform more effectively.Learning is not necessarily planned or linear. Learning is not necessarily based on need but on the identification of the potential to learn in novel situations.
Focus of learningLearning is subject centered, focused on the prescribed curriculum and planned sequences according to the logic of the subject matter.Adult learning is task or problem centered.Learners can go beyond problem solving by enabling pro-activity. Learners use their own and others’ experiences and internal processes such as reflection, environmental scanning, experience, interaction with others, and pro-active as well a problem-solving behaviors.
MotivationMotivation comes from external sources — usually parents, teachers, and a sense of competition.Motivation stems from internal sources — the increased self-esteem, confidence and recognition that come from successful performance.Self-efficacy, knowing how to learn, creativity, ability to use these qualities in novel as well as situations, and working with others.
Role of the teacherDesigns the learning process, imposes material, is assumed to know best.Enabler or facilitator, climate of collaboration, respect and opennessDevelop the learner’s capability. Capable people:Know how to learnAre creativeHave a high degree of self-efficacyApply competencies in novel as well as familiar situationsCan work well with others