Provost Dennis Papini will serve as facilitator, and Provost’s Office staff will serve as recorder for AY 21-22, at the request of the Chairs/Heads Forum group.


I.     Name

The name of the forum shall be the Chairs and Heads Forum, University of Illinois Springfield.

II.    Purpose

The purpose of the forum shall be:

A.  To provide a venue for chairs and heads of departments across campus to communicate and collaborate.
B.  To identify and discuss professional matters of common interest to academic unit coordinators, and collaborate in developing strategies to address challenges.
C.  To solicit information from external sources on common items of interest.

III.   Plan of Organization

A.  All academic unit chairs and heads at the university will serve as members of the forum.
B.  The Provost will serve in an ex officio capacity, providing information as requested and suggesting items for the agenda.
C.  Meetings may be convened without the presence of the Provost.
D.  Each year, members will elect a Facilitator, who will solicit items for the agenda, schedule meetings, facilitate discussions, and invite speakers as requested by members. If the Facilitator is absent, a volunteer (by vote, if necessary) may facilitate discussion.
E.  Each year, members will elect a Recorder, who will take action notes summarizing the content of discussions (without identifiers). Action notes will be emailed to members within a few days, and corrections may be noted electronically. If the Recorder is absent, a volunteer may take notes. Notes will be housed with both the Facilitator and Recorder.

IV.   Conduct of Business

A.  The forum shall meet once every month September-April at an agreed upon time and location. The Facilitator shall distribute the agenda at least three days in advance of the meeting.
B.  The forum’s structure and function may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the forum.

Approved by Chairs & Heads 10.4.17