UIS routinely seeks competent, qualified professionals to teach on a per-course (adjunct) basis. Departments/Schools may send forward requests to hire, or requests to add to the adjunct pool for future use, those individuals who not only possess outstanding credentials and experience in their fields, but also have the desire to share their expertise with our students.

Department Chairs/Heads and School Directors should complete an Adjunct Approval Request online form after consultation with Department/School faculty, and route to Dean and Provost for approval. Candidate CV and unofficial transcript must be attached.

If a Department/School seeks to hire an adjunct to teach courses other than those listed on the original Adjunct Hire Request, an additional request must be sent forward to document his/her qualifications for the specified course(s).

An Oral English Proficiency (OEP) pre-employment form will be initiated for approved adjunct requests, unless the college has already completed an OEP form for the individual. Each college for whom an individual may be teaching must complete an OEP form.
