We offer a B.A. degree program in Philosophy both online and on ground. A B.A. in Philosophy is valuable for many positions in business, government, and education. Philosophy is also an excellent pre-law degree. Many Philosophy students continue their education to pursue Master’s degrees and Ph.D.s at other accredited institutions.


We offer a 100% online B.A. program in Philosophy. You can complete the entire degree — including all program and University requirements — without setting foot on campus. Classes are designed with working students in mind, and you can work on your own schedule.

We are a pioneer in online Philosophy education. In 2004, we started the first fully online Philosophy degree program in the United States. We remain one of the best places to go for an online Philosophy degree, and we are a recognized leader in the field.

On Campus

The Philosophy major is also open to on campus students. We regularly offer several philosophy courses on ground, including PHI 101, Introduction to Philosophy; PHI 242, Ethics, Love and the Goals of Life; and PHI 252, Science Fiction and Philosophy. On ground Philosophy majors combine on ground and online courses to fulfill their degree requirements.

Three Main Areas of Study

Students must take a minimum of two classes in the following three areas:

  1. Core Analytical Philosophy

    In order to gain analytical skills, students must take at least two classes (eight hours) in the area of core philosophy, such as philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, and analytical metaphysics.

  2. History of Philosophy

    In order to gain a comprehensive outlook on the history of philosophy, students must take one class in ancient and medieval philosophy (such as PHI 421) and one class in the history of modern philosophy (such as PHI 425) or department approved comprehensive equivalents of at least seven credit hours.

  3. Values

    In order to gain familiarity with value theory, students are required to take at least two classes (at least eight hours) in the areas of ethics, aesthetics, or political philosophy. This includes at least one course devoted specifically to ethics, satisfied by PHI 242 or PHI 341 or PHI 447  or an equivalent approved by the department.

Area of Specialization

Currently, students may specialize in the area of core analytic philosophy or in the area of values. In addition to the eight hours required of all majors, students specializing in either core analytic philosophy (Area 1) or values (Area 3) must take one advanced class in the area of specialization and a senior seminar associated with the chosen area of specialization. Students should note that advanced courses have at least four hours of Area 1 or Area 3 courses as prerequisites.

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