Course Information

IPL 300 Internship Applied Learning

(2-12 credits) May be used to fulfill ECCE requirements. To learn more about the course description, please consult the UIS catalog.

To earn credit for your internship, you must enroll in IPL 300 – Internship Applied Learning.  The course is a Credit/No Credit course and is offered primarily online.  Students may not register for the class without completing an Internship Course Application.  Your completed application must be submitted to the IPL Office by the first week of class in order to register for that semester.

You must take the course during the same semester that you complete your internship!

You must complete all of the course requirements – internship work hours and required assignments.

To earn credit for the internship course, students will complete the following:

  • Internship Course Timeline: You will set your own due dates for this course to reflect your individual internship.
  • Discussion Board (online sections only): There are 5 discussion board questions in the online course seminars.
  • The Reflective Journal: The journal is where you track your hours worked at the internship.  Each entry should describe what you did that week and a brief reflection on your work.
  • Learning Contract & Midterm Conference: The learning contract is a document where students consider issues of Career Education, Engaged Citizenship, Cultural Diversity, Self Directed Learning, Personal Growth, and Theory to Practice, and identify specific learning goals for the internship.  The completed contract is discussed at a 20-30 minute midterm conference with the student’s field supervisor and UIS faculty supervisor.
  • Midterm Progress Report: This report is the occasion for summing up, taking stock, and if necessary, changing direction.
  • Resume: You will utilize the UIS Career Center’s Optimal resource to revise your resume.
  • Final Self-Assessment: This 5-7 page final paper discusses the learning that occurred during the internship.