SGA Awards

Award Guidelines

  1. Recipients of the Donovan Pepper Award, the Outstanding SGA Senator Award and the Outstanding SGA Committeeperson Award must be enrolled as UIS undergraduate or graduate students and must have served on SGA or one of its standing committees during the 2022-2023 academic year.
  2. The recipient of the Community Ally award may be a UIS student, faculty or staff member or a member of the Springfield community.
  3. The recipient of the Outstanding Faculty/Academic Professional/Civil Service award must be a member of one of those UIS categories.
  4. Awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student currently serving on SGA or one of its standing committees
  5. All student recipients must be in good academic and conduct standing.

Donovan Pepper Award

The Student Government Association created the Donovan Pepper Award to pay tribute to a former SGA President who was instrumental in the transition of Sangamon State University to UIS.  In keeping with his legacy, this award honors those students who have made an exceptional contribution to the Student Government Association. This award is open to all students who have served in some capacity within SGA during the current academic year. The award recipient shall be determined by a group of administrators intimately involved with the SGA, including the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Engagement, the Dean of Students, and the Director of Student Life. 

The following criteria will be used to evaluate the nominee in determining the award winner:

Leadership Demonstrates leadership through formal/informal role on campus by motivating, persuading & developing common purpose among others that promotes change while also engaging in skill development to improve themselves & their peers
AdvocacyCreates a positive impact on campus through the development of programs and/or by advocating for students/student issues
Campus EngagementTakes the initiative to support and  participate in the educational, cultural and social development of the campus community

Outstanding Senator Award

Awarded for significant contribution to the SGA.  This award is open all students who have served as senators on the Student Government Association during the current academic year.  The recipient of this award will be determined by the SGA Executive Board.

The following criteria will be used to evaluate the nominee in determining the award winner:

Practices honesty and consistency through their action and demonstrates an alignment with the Division of Student Affairs values.
Campus EngagementTakes the initiative to participate and support the educational, cultural and social development of the campus community through programs and activities to enhance the quality of the student experience.
LeadershipDemonstrates leadership through formal or informal role on campus by motivating, persuading, and developing common purpose among others that promotes change while also engaging in skill development to improve oneself and their peers.

Outstanding Committeeperson Award

Awarded to an individual who has shown an outstanding commitment to the SGA through service on an SGA, campus, or university committee.  The recipient of this award will be determined by the SGA Executive Board.

The following criteria will be used to evaluation the nominee in determining the award winner:

IntegrityPractices honesty and consistency through their action and demonstrates an alignment with the Division of Student Affairs values. Demonstrates commitment to SGA through service on SGA campus or university committees
Campus Engagement Takes the initiative to participate and support the educational, cultural and social development of the campus community through programs and activities throughout the division in an effort to enhance the quality of the student experience.
LeadershipDemonstrates leadership through formal or informal role on campus by motivating, persuading, and developing common purpose among others that promotes change while also engaging in skill development to improve oneself and their peers.

Community Ally Award

Awarded to a member of the UIS or Greater Springfield community who has shown commitment to serving students by empowering them to advocate for themselves, giving students a voice in the community, or providing aid to an individual student or to groups.  Recipients must be nominated by a student and must have demonstrated commitment to serving the students of UIS (student nominations should include at least one example). 

The following criteria will be used to evaluate the nominee in determining the award winner:

Leadership Demonstrates leadership through formal or informal role on campus by motivating, persuading, and developing common purpose among others that promotes change.
Empowerment Ability to use available skills and resources to empower students to advocate for themselves and to give them voice in the UIS or Greater Springfield community.
CommitmentDedication and quality/quantity of assistance provided to UIS students and/or student groups

Outstanding Faculty/Academic Professional/Civil Service Award

Awarded to an outstanding faculty/academic professional/civil service member who has demonstrated leadership and has supported the UIS student body by dedicating time and contributing their talents to assist with Student Government, student organizations, and other student-led initiatives.

The following criteria will be used to evaluate the nominee in determining the award winner:

LeadershipDemonstrates leadership through formal or informal role on campus by motivating, persuading, and developing common purpose among others that promotes change.
Empowerment Ability to use available skills and resources to empower students to advocate for themselves an to give them voice on campus.
CommitmentDedication and quality/quantity of assistance provided to UIS students and/or student groups