4 Week Course/Instructor Led/Weekly Modules/Earn a Digital Credential

The purpose of this course is for the participants to learn how to engage stakeholders through an articulated vision inside their organizations. The students will explore how to advocate for pedagogically driven approaches, establish structures that integrate online learning with the traditional campus, and learn how to establish a mission and vision that support the institution and how to establish a communication plan for internal audiences. 


 ION Professional eLearning Programs 4 CEU hours.


As a result of completing course activities and interacting in discussion forums, participants will be able to:

  • Provide multiple means of support and advocacy for online programs through the completion of compelling arguments.
  • Prepare a final report: What will your accrediting body expect to read and know about your online programs?
  • List what your program needs are and what supports are available for a successful accreditor evaluation.



Certificate Series

Master Online Learning Administrator (MOLA) Professional Certificate required course.