We encourage the members of the organization and all other interested parties to purchase a printed volume of conference proceedings,
Symbolism, Its Origins and Its Consequences
Editor: Rosina Neginsky
Date Of Publication: Oct 2010
Isbn13: 978-1-4438-2392-0
Isbn: 1-4438-2392-9
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Cambridge, England
The international network Redefining European Symbolism, 1880-1910, which was run by Professor Richard Thomson with a grant from the Leverhulme Trust, comes to the end of its three-year funding in May this year. As you know, the network has staged two invited seminars and three major conferences; it has also - thanks to the dedicated work of Craig Landt - built up a substantial and very useful database of publications on Symbolism (https://symbolism.ace.ed.ac.uk/). This project is ongoing, and we encourage all our members to input their publications onto the database. It is easy to do, and Craig Landt will be very happy to offer support (Craig.Landt@ed.ac.uk).
Angst, Anxiety, Anguish in Fin de Siècle Art and Literature
Edited by: Rosina Neginsky, Marthe Segrestin, Luba Jurgenson
This volumes examines various manifestations of anguish in art, literature, and philosophy. It demonstrates that the experience of anguish manifested itself in a spectacular way in the arts in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. It makes obvious the extraordinary tension between anguish and art. The works discussed here reflect the magnitude of anguish generated by historical events, scientific advancements (especially in psychology), and metaphysical inquires of the time. Through the invention of new artistic languages, those works all illustrate the fecundity of anguish for artists.
Rosina Neginsky's Publications from Cambridge Scholars Publishing