CSAC Agenda Wednesday May 6, 2015 10:00 AM PAC 4E Excused Absences: Amber Pyle, Toni Langdon, Denise Rothenbach, Tracy Rakes I. Call to order II. Approve agenda III. Approve minutes IV. Announcements V. New business a. End of year money VI. Old business a. Fundraising Effort b. Professional Development Funds c. Search for Chancellor’s Office position VII. Chancellor’s report – No rep assigned yet VIII. Human Resources report IX. Treasurer’s report – Denise Rothenbach X. Committee reports a. APAC – Jo Barnard; APAC Rep needed b. CARE committee – Bobbie Fults c. CSAD committee – Bobbie Fults d. Campus Senate – Kurt Piskin (2 year term ends in 2016) e. Campus Technology – Janice Marvel (up 2015) f. SURS – Janice Marvel-(term through 2016) g. SUCSAC – Jamie Voyles h. UIEAC – Bobbie Fults (President), Janice Marvel (SURSMAC), Jamie Voyles, (SUSAC) i. Parking Appeals and Advisory Board – Tracy Rakes and Dawn Orlove i. Alternates: Lindsey Meece, Amber Pyle j. Diversity, Equal Rights, Opportunity and Access – Kelly Walraven and Eric Needham k. Sustainability –CJ Castelletti (term through 2016) l. Student Discipline Committee – Amber Pyle and Tracy Rakes (term through 2015) m. Webmaster- Toni Langdon n. Fundraising Committee-Denise Rothenbach, Janice Marvel, Kelly Walraven, Joanne Hoagland o. Campus Planning and Budget- Jamie Voyles p. Professional Development- CJ Castelletti, Janice Marvel, Denise Rothenbach, Jo Barnard, Bobbie Fults